Airbone lidars can achieve much better precision, but these maps are necessarily regional in extent - they will cover only relatively small areas.
It is so long, though, that if the 3 billion base pairs were linked together and pulled out straight, the result would be a metre in extent.
ECONOMIST: Genomics has not yet delivered the drugs, but it will
"This is one of the most significant discoveries - quite small in extent but highly significant because of its data and what is represented in the shaft, " he told BBC News.
Land, which is a necessity of human existence, which is the original source of all wealth, which is strictly limited in extent, which is fixed in geographical position land, I say, differs from all other forms of property in these primary and fundamental conditions.
America's labour market may be unique in the extent of its middle-class troubles, but not in their existence.
The versions of the advertisement differed in the extent that they implicitly warning about selection bias.
FORBES: How Selective Advertising by Mutual Funds Misleads Investors
But there are considerable differences in the extent to which individual graduates benefit.
City Attorney Dennis Herrera said Monday that Monster is the "industry's worst offender" in the extent to which it targets youth and children.
Similarly, you already see an increase in the extent to which the no-fly zone, the enforcement of the no-fly zone piece of the effort in Libya right now is being undertaken by allies and partners.
There had been an increase in the rates of return in Ireland "and to some extent in Spain" in the run-up to euro membership, thanks to structural reforms in those countries in the pre-euro period.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Bernard Connolly: Why the Euro Crisis Isn't Over
Besides vastly varying cultures and differences in policies, language will of course never cease to be a problem in Europe , and is one that some other economic areas do not have to deal with in that extent.
Falls in part-time students have also been seen in Scotland and to a lesser extent in Wales, while numbers in Northern Ireland have stayed broadly the same, according to earlier figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency.
Though West has been largely discredited, prosecutors and state officials in Mississippi (and to a lesser extent in Louisiana) continue to defend convictions won based on his testimony.
FORBES: Radley Balko on the Fabricated Bite Mark Forensics of Michael West
In Britain, and to an even greater extent in America, people have felt more exposed.
"I know over the last couple of months there's been a lot of -- both in debates and newspaper stories, to some extent in television advertising -- there's been a lot of sniping and attacks from one Democratic presidential candidate to another, " he said.
Strong demand in the American market (and to a lesser extent in Europe) means that production is actually running about 10% higher than last year, so extra labour is needed in some other Japanese factories.
Until the 20th Century, the nutrient element only came to Earth in a reactive form that is usable by plants and animals, thanks to certain microbes in soil and water (and to a smaller extent in lightning strikes).
But Disneyland was the first example of really taking a brand that lived in film and, to some extent, in toys and blowing it out across all dimensions.
And 85% in a recent Medix survey said that they welcome the introduction of IT to a greater extent in their workplace.
In the Lords (from 2.30pm) questions from peers range across the record-low sea ice extent in the Arctic Ocean during the past year and the likely future of oil prices , before peers continue the marathon committee stage consideration of the Growth and Infrastructure Bill.
And it weakens exchange rates, hurting households that borrowed in foreign currency (a big problem in Hungary, and, to a lesser extent, in Poland).
ECONOMIST: Eastern Europe��s economies: Some calm amid storms | The
When they combine forces, France and Germany have a great deal of structural (economic, demographic, military) power in the Eurozone and to a slightly lesser extent, in the EU 27.
FORBES: Franco-German Alliance: A Cure For What Ails The EU?
Joni Teves, analyst at UBS, said in the near-term there is the chance that platinum could retreat, but losses should be limited in both time and extent since the market is still in a bullish mode.
FORBES: METALS OUTLOOK: Watching Platinum After Recent Strength; Gold Targets $1,700
Since 1979, when NASA first began recording satellite ice images, scientists have seen a 13% decline per decade in the minimum summertime extent of sea ice, and in late August, NASA confirmed that the ice was at an all time low.
The report said strong economic growth in Africa had significantly reduced the extent of poverty in Africa over the past decade or so.
BBC: World Bank: Africa's economic growth to outpace average
Motorola (in this specific case, but also to a lesser extent Samsung in other Apple related litigation) holds standards related patents.
FORBES: Are Apple And Google Going To Settle Their Patent War?
The results of the proposed project should contribute to improve capacity building in environmental monitoring, to assess the extent of contamination in specific regions, to raise environmental awareness among local population and to improve or amend environmental legislation in African countries.
As of September 29, 2012, the Company owned or leased approximately 17.3 million square feet of building space, primarily in the U.S., and to a lesser extent, in Europe, Japan, Canada, and the Asia-Pacific regions.
FORBES: Apple Annual Report Shows Uptick in Employees, R&D Spend, Another Big Outlay on Capital
Those who devise stimulus programs must know in advance the extent to which households and businesses will correctly anticipate the policy.
FORBES: Thomas Sargent, Rational Expectations And The Keynesian Consensus