At one time or another in their lives, they have all lived in extreme poverty.
At that time, the World Bank estimated 125 million people were in extreme poverty.
Poverty affected 70% of Colombians, and 12 million of them lived in extreme poverty, he said.
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Most people in extreme poverty work on small, rain-fed farms, growing staple grains partly for their own consumption.
The proportion of children living in extreme poverty grew slightly between 1980 and 1997, from 7 to 8 percent.
One billion people in the world today live in extreme poverty, without any access to health services and quality education.
But also, the disadvantages of growing up in extreme poverty pose a challenge to a belief in equality of opportunity.
Ten years ago, world leaders adopted the eight Millennium Development Goals, including a pledge to halve the proportion of people living in extreme poverty.
For someone who grew up in extreme poverty in the early years of the last century, Camus was surprisingly often within range of a camera.
Life spans have almost doubled since 1900, and over the past half-century the percentage of humanity living in extreme poverty has been cut in half.
Living in extreme poverty and is now on brink of starvation.
Nearly 400, 000 Indians live and work in Bahrain and campaigners say many live in extreme poverty - they are often not paid the wages they are promised and their passports are taken away from them.
Chapeu Mangueira was one of those slums where people lived in shacks, survived on pennies a day, lacked access to basic services and, in general, lived in extreme poverty and marginalized from the rest of society.
Idol Gives Back, a two-day televised charity event sponsored by Fox, American Idol, and Charity Projects Entertainment Fund to help children and young people in extreme poverty here in the United States and Africa, views malaria as a gateway issue, Edlund said.
"In spite of the obligations incumbent on the Greek authorities... he spent months living in extreme poverty, unable to cater for his most basic needs - food, hygiene and a place to live - while in fear of being attacked and robbed, " the ruling said on Friday.
It is time of remarkable brain development, but also an extremely vulnerable time for young children, especially in the developing world, where a child has a four in ten chance of living in extreme poverty and 10.5 million children under age of 5 die from preventable diseases every year.
And while progress is being made in reducing extreme poverty, gaps between rich and poor are widening almost everywhere.
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Donors came from Moldova, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkey and lived in "extreme poverty or acute financial distress", the indictment said.
"Under most scenarios -- except the most dire -- significant strides in reducing extreme poverty will be achieved by 2030, " the report notes.
The donors, said to have come from Moldova, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkey and to have lived in "extreme poverty or acute financial distress", were allegedly transported to Pristina Airport.
They are rooted in its spiky geography (arable land is scarce, and land disputes frequent) and in its extreme poverty, especially among the indigenous people who make up 38% of the population.
This increase in family income, especially in the poorest regions, has led to the reduction of extreme poverty in Brazil, mainly throughout the northern half of the country.
The two take different approaches to building schools in areas of extreme poverty.
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Ministers have defended the level of financial help in the past on the basis of the extreme poverty that remains in rural areas and historical colonial ties between the two countries.
Extreme poverty in the world has decreased considerably in the past three decades (figure 1).
According to the World Bank, another 53m people will be pushed into extreme poverty in 2009.
Early models assumed that extreme poverty in any country would fall by 2% for every 1% increase in its income.
He is striking at the root problem of extreme poverty in Pakistan and Afghanistan by focusing on the education of girls.
Illiteracy keeps women marginalized and constitutes a foremost obstacle to reducing extreme poverty in a technology-driven world where reading, writing and numeracy are indispensable for enjoying basic rights and opportunities.
Motivated by the extreme poverty in the war torn area, she committed to create a non-profit organization that would create sustainable change for women through job creation and worker benefits.
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