"We know that animals in 'germ-free' conditions can reproduce, they have a longer lifespan, and they seem to live perfectly OK, provided you don't expose them to stress or damage, " said Sven Pettersson, the Karolinska Institute microbiologist who, along with neuroscientist Rochellys Diaz Heijtz, led the research.
Pfizer, which always kept a presence in developing new germ-killing drugs, saw its Zyvox become a fast-growing drug in recent years.
But it would be surprising if Brazil does not see in the summit the germ of a united South American front in talks for a Free Trade Area of the Americas, which could speed up next year.
Well, in addition to being grateful for this great, great honor, from an organization whose progress I have followed since literally the weeks and months before it was born, when it was still a germ in Frank Gaffney's brain, in addition to that, I've been doubly-rewarded by that introduction.
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The contestants include a Caribbean-born transvestite who totters across the mud in stilettos and a germ-phobic choreographer who dons rubber gloves while trying to herd sheep.
In the beginning was the germ, and we came afterward, believe it or not.
While Hasenzahl left in 2008, he and Angell stayed in touch and developed the germ for RareWire.
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The new germ was first identified in France, where more extensive testing is routinely done for whooping cough.
PolyMedix, a company that is developing drugs made by a proprietary computational drug design system to mimic natural germ-killing proteins found in humans.
Or is that too difficult to deal with while kvetching over having to stand on bare (and therefore possibly germ-ridden) tile in a magnificent hotel shower?
However, if germ free animals were colonized early in life, these effects could be reversed.
Yet embedded in "The Brown Bunny" is the germ of an idea that might've been worth developing had the film not gone wildly offbase.
On a telephone conference call yesterday, he pointed out that it takes two or three weeks for doctors to see if the TB germ will grow to detectable numbers in a lab dish containing sputum from a suspected patient.
As the name suggests, the germ is bad for birds but harmless in humans.
Wrigley had claimed that magnolia bark extract, an ingredient in the gum and mints, contributed to the germ-killing capabilities.
The genetic-control question that scares people most, however, is germ-line manipulation or, in tabloid parlance, designer babies.
The germ of a great career often lies hidden in the illegal, dangerous, or useless activities we love.
Both the US and Russia have already stockpiled anti-smallpox vaccines in the wake of 11 September, amid fears of germ warfare.
In Iraq I persuaded Dr Rihab Taha, known as Dr Germ, to be interviewed for the first time by a journalist.
Latest figures show four girls aged nine and under were diagnosed with ovarian cancers in 2005, and experts say these were likely to be germ cell cancers.
The new germ, a respiratory infection, was first seen in the Middle East and so far has sickened more than 40 people worldwide, killing about half of them.
But according to Professor Robin Lovell-Badge, of the National Institute for Medical Research in Mill Hill London, people should not worry unduly over the germ-line alterations.
Schools, day-care centers, and gyms may harbor the germ -- one reason it's important to get children in the hand-washing habit.
The inconsistency between the unwillingness to use vaccines and the overuse of germ-killing drugs, soaps, and sprays can be explained in part by our focus on the individual and what we can each control.
CNN: Free-riding microbes: stronger, more powerful, and our fault
Recently, it has been shown that germ-cells, too, are subject to epigenetic change, sometimes in response to environmental stimuli.
As we know the germ of the idea is the Tobin Tax: specifically devised to stop speculation in the FX markets.
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But the cells from the first divisions retain the ability to form entire new embryos themselves. (This is how identical twins form.) Germ-line manipulation would require taking some of these early-embryonic cells apart in order to discover what the genetic lottery had delivered to them (a process that would destroy the cells in question).
To help mom in her efforts, Kimberly-Clark introduced disposable Kleenex hand towels, to prevent families from sharing the same germ-infected hand towel.