She can (at least) but clear sentences in good order and make provocative points.
The authority said it would use powers to force landlords to keep their properties in good order.
Due to the ongoing repairs, the village owners use a full-time stonemason and maintenance man to keep the buildings in good order.
"There is a need for the general administration of the church to be put in good order, " retired Cardinal Edward Egan said in a recent interview.
They keep the PC patched, keep its disk drive in good order, make sure its drivers are up-to-date, and generally make it run smooth as silk.
FORBES: Beware The Hacker's Surprising Secret Ally: Your Aunt Sally
"If they go through these elections in good order, I think that's going to give them a lot of confidence to approach the national elections, " Crocker told reporters Thursday.
CNN: Driver killed in Iraqi truck blasts as provincial elections near
Your thoughts on the site look in good order, but because this is an entirely manual process, many of your well-written, carefully considered submissions never make it to the site.
Blatter said FIFA were powerless to intervene in the financial set-ups of Premier League clubs but called on the English Football Association "to make sure their clubs are in good order".
There are certain aspects to the tourism here, I would focus on golf courses, where large quantities of water are used on the coast itself to keep golf courses in good order.
BBC: NEWS | In Depth | 2003 | World Forum | Water | Global village voices: Water
If the new French president "gets his way and we enter a golden era of infrastructure spending someone in the private sector will have to provide the material and technical skills to deliver the projects on time and in good order, " said Stephen Pope, managing partner at Spotlight Ideas.
Fortunately, I survived with no significant scar tissue and everything still in good working order.
FORBES: Mark Your Calendars for Wear Red Day On February 4th
Now I wish my bike was in good working order to help conserve gas.
FORBES: Preparing a Business for Natural Disaster: What I Wish I'd Done
The gadget does need to be in good working order and returned with the original parts to receive the maximum amount of trade-in value.
In driving rain at St Andrews, Fulham found their feet as the half went on, only to find Birmingham's defence in good working order.
The air conditioning solvents should also be in good working order.
Instead of a periodically refreshed resume, they will maintain a free-agent life raft in good working order, oscillating between more and less tethered modes of existence.
Like the Forth Bridge, the Palace of Westminster, with its cast iron Victorian roofs, its Neolithic heating systems and endless need for maintenance and repair will be crawling with builders and craftsmen rather than politicians - the institution it houses, though, is in unexpectedly good order.
In policy making, lots of ideas are thrown out in order to set the good apart from the bad, and in order to stake out a position for compromise.
He understands the role the military culture plays in ensuring the good order and discipline essential to the effectiveness of those who assure our national security.
Lisa Jackson, the outstanding administrator of EPA. Some of the finest governors in the country are here -- let me take them in order of good looks -- sorry, Arnold. (Laughter.) Jennifer Granholm of Michigan, Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts, and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California. (Applause.) Barbara Boxer just had to leave -- the head of the Environment Committee in the Senate, who'd done just outstanding work.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama: A New Consensus on Auto Emissions
Google, in particular, is a good report to watch in order to understand exactly how Europe is doing.
The theory, of course, is that the poorer teams will use that money on good players in order to get into the World Series.
Four out of 50 trusts studied, said the draft report, had "suspended" large numbers of patients from the waiting list for no good reason in order to manipulate their lists.
UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre organized this consultation to provide a platform for TVET policy makers, educators and specialists to share their expertise, country perspectives and good practices in order to further advance TVET approaches towards a green society and economy.
Finally, the Chair turned to the matter of the scheduling of meetings during sessions of the Governing Bodies and pointed out that this was a simple matter of good coordination in order to avoid complaints from Delegations that are split between participation in the Governing Body sessions and other important meetings which should not, if at all possible, be scheduled in parallel.
Financial expert, TV host, and Sun-In aficionado Suze Orman has a simple bit of algebra that she suggests using to decide if it makes sense to be part of the 250, 000-strong movement of Americans who are deciding to bid goodbye to their houses and good credit in order to recoup their losses and try again at some point (way, way, way) in the future.
We set ourselves up with hopes and dreams of something created in our imaginations, something that seemingly must happen in order for us to feel good, right, or in alignment with the universe.
FORBES: Expectations at Sea: Planning Your Finances Rationally
As a result, in order to attract good candidates, they offer significant severance packages.
Mr Surl said that the budget package was designed to "improve peace and good order" in Gloucestershire.
BBC: PCC proposes 2% policing tax increase for Gloucestershire