• It didn't self-destruct, in good part because Wall Street firms and banks started using their own capital to do leveraged buyouts.

    FORBES: Dow Jones Interactive

  • Indeed, the recent economic lift-off can be explained in good part by the competitiveness of French exports, caused in turn by the weakness of the new currency.

    ECONOMIST: Something odd in France

  • Amazon experienced an impressive 36% increase in sales over the same period last year, thanks in good part to its acquisition of Zappos and hot sales of its Kindle e-reader.

    FORBES: No Time To Own Amazon, Autozone Or Marlboros

  • Perhaps the most important is that, due in good part to the demise of Executive Life and Mutual Benefit, several rating agencies now scrutinise the ability of life insurers to meet their claims.

    ECONOMIST: Insurance: Rehabilitated | The

  • Florida-based Jet Aviation International Inc. is one of the largest operators, and Darleen DeLisle, public relations and advertising manager, credits its growth in good part to "the immense delays and security" at commercial air terminals.

    CNN: Corporate air charters take wing

  • If conflict was inevitable, the difficulty in resolving it was, as both books suggest, in good part the responsibility of the first president of independent Chechnya, Jokar Dudaev, one of the highest-ranking Chechens in the Soviet Union.

    ECONOMIST: Russia and Chechnya

  • Plaid Cymru broadcasting spokesperson Bethan Jenkins said the announcement was in part good news, but the funding formula was only part of a package of measures.

    BBC: S4C should match BBC Wales savings, proposes Trust

  • On the other hand, Dunn notes that what makes those two films look so good in part is the attention to detail from the original directors.

    FORBES: Avatar Coming To Netflix Streaming... The Day After Never

  • "It is also perhaps fitting that here in Northern Ireland a good part of our discussions focused on the Middle East, " Blair said.

    CNN: Bush urges N. Ireland peace moves

  • But for now his chances are looking good, in part because the former army general has restored a sense of law and order to Indonesia since the chaos following the fall of authoritarian president Suharto in 1998.

    WSJ: Indonesia Polls Show Hard-Line Islamists Losing Ground

  • Overtaken by Germany when it won the Franco-Prussian war in 1871, Alsace and a good part of Lorraine sent streams of refugees to Nancy, whose population nearly doubled in the last quarter of the 19th century.

    ECONOMIST: Decorative arts

  • In particular, Aniston received rave reviews for her part in independent film The Good Girl, and it had been thought she wanted to cut her commitments so she could start a family with husband Brad Pitt.

    BBC: Friends back for 10th series

  • So we welcome the initiative that has been proposed by the President of the United States to convene a relevant conference in Washington, and I will take part in it, which is good platform to discuss non-proliferation issues.

    WHITEHOUSE: Signing of New START Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia

  • "I thought my form was good enough in the last part of the season, " he said.

    BBC: Cipriani defends form after axe

  • Mickelson said he believes Singh managed such a good round Friday in large part because he is one of golf's purest ball strikers.

    WSJ: The PGA at Kiawah: Something in the Wind

  • That's why federal employees have good insurance, and county employees and state employees have good insurance, in part is because they're part of this big pool.

    WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH

  • Cloues, who became chief executive in 1998, spent a good part of his early tenure reorganizing K-Tron, outsourcing expensive processes like metal bending and getting rid of assets--selectively.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The woodwork of the structure is said to be in good condition for "most part", but the corner pillars need to be replaced as well as most of the under frame.

    BBC: Tram carriage at Ipswich Transport Museum

  • States like Florida fill up with older folks in part because of good weather but zero state income tax, real estate exemptions and other tax breaks are a big draw, too.

    FORBES: How Much Is Enough to Retire? Careful Now...

  • And I think if things went well for us, that we could get over the hurt feelings, and have another good thing going in that part of the world that would have a salutary effect on that problem.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • In Mr Tulip's view, a good part of the difference between the low equilibrium rate of unemployment in America (and Britain) and the much higher rates in continental Europe can be attributed to Europe's higher minimum wages.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

  • Luck, both good and bad, plays a part in every life--though people tend to imagine that the good luck is a consequence of personal merit, while the bad luck springs from some malevolent outside source.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The IRS is pretty good at this, in part because the tax rules governing debts in bankruptcy are technical.

    FORBES: Fallen Solyndra: Is Even Its Bankruptcy A Scam?

  • The good part for Republicans in 2012 is the transformation of Obama.

    FORBES: Herman Cain's Secret Exploding Lady Gaga Bomb

  • We live in an era of unprecedented prosperity in no small part because the good guys, like my dad, had better technology than the bad guys.

    FORBES: Malone's Musings: Memorial Day 1999

  • An empire built on fat and sugar, PepsiCo is massively repositioning itself, trying to strike a healthier pose, rejiggering its product mix with snacks and beverages that are lower in fat and sodium and higher in good stuff, like calcium, part of what it optimistically calls "good for you" foods.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In fact, he may have fabricated the design of a good part of what modern visitors see, which accounts for a discernible whiff of Art Deco in the reconstructed rooms.

    ECONOMIST: Bullshot

  • After all, what good is having a friend in that part of the world if it is no friend of freedom and democracy?

    CNN: Commentary: Who needs friends like Musharraf?

  • If the Philippines looks good now, it is in part because it went through its economic suffering a decade ahead of the rest of Asia.

    FORBES: The Ronald Reagan of the Pacific

  • Yes, it feels good in the hand, owed in part to that matte plastic back and subtle arc S-like curve, but the materials feel cheap.

    ENGADGET: Sony Xperia TL for AT&T hands-on (video) Mobile

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