During a visit to Oxfordshire on Friday, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said he did not feel the online campaign was "in very good taste at all" but that it was not for politicians "to start telling the BBC what songs they broadcast".
BBC: Margaret Thatcher Wizard of Oz track sparks chart debate
The remote firings were to be done in what passes for good taste these days: on site and face to face.
White wines don't have such a problem, says Moorfield, and if you like the taste of a champagne on the ground it's more than likely to taste just as good in the air (regardless of how much you drink).
CNN: Grape expectations: How airlines pick high-flying wines
On this side of the table, the one with the plate of what they know is good for you, though it doesn't taste that good and who is offering the plate in the full knowledge that refusing it is going to lead to one heck of a mess.
They seem to bring out the best in each other and never taste quite as good alone to us as they do together.
WSJ: 2003 Vintage Port as a Holiday Gift | Tastings by Gaiter and Brecher
Good art in restaurants depends on owners with courage and original taste.
I'd wander around the pantry looking for things that might taste good with meat and throw them in the blender, hoping for the best.
On our 7-Up, you can almost taste the carbonation in them it's so good.
The approach of Klein and others in New York has been too heavy-handed and top-down for my taste, but in many respects the unions own a good deal of the blame.
To drink your flavanols, Choffy is specially milled 100% cocoa and roasted to taste good when brewed like coffee ideally in a French press, says Jason Sherwood, co-founder of Choffy LLC, Vancouver, Wash.
Charles Lubin, the Chicago baker who in 1949 named his shop after his eight-year-old daughter, sweated in front of an oven perfecting cheesecakes and sponges that would still taste good after being frozen.
Everyone has their own taste in music, but to decide if someone is any good or not based on the fact that you first saw them on a reality TV show rather than in a smoky back street club somewhere is just silly and shows a lack of real critical analysis.
And even though they have some good prospects coming, just the entire tenor, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth, as anyone who has tried to eat an aggressive game fish can tell you.
In reality, Jobs was a very good, even visionary, executive with a keen sense of public taste.
Since his start selling herbal botanicals from a health-food shop in the 1970s, Mr. Smith, 62, has honed his knowledge of what good tea leaves taste like.
WSJ: Steven Smith, Teamaker: The All-Star Alchemist of Top-Shelf Tea | Creating
When evaluating a potential purchase, an entrepreneur like Courtauld was looking for an assessment finely balanced between market value (a good price), quality as a work of art (a question of informed taste and a good eye), and stature of the artist (now and in the future).