They can help make campaigns more fair, especially if they arrive in good time.
Merck insists the trial will be finished in good time, and says it has already collected 2, 300 events.
It said it was committed to providing the relevant information to the defence in good time for a trial.
BBC: Lawyers claim new policy causes miscarriages of justice
Monitors from the Carter Centre and the Commonwealth were invited in good time to observe Guyana's election in 1992.
Mr Rato has also urged the IMF to improve its early warning systems so that it gets wind of future crises in good time.
The son of a woman who died in a crash claims her accident could have been avoided if Highland Council had gritted or salted the road in good time.
BBC: Dead woman's son sues over road gritting on Caithness road
They include that NHS Highland ensures that treatment is initiated by clinical staff in good time when a patient's condition deteriorates and appropriate details of this are recorded in their medical notes.
The Labour leader said he would set out his alternative approach before the next election, when he knew about the state of the economy - it would, he added, be "in good time, honestly".
If it is possible for central banks to identify the build-up of financial imbalances in good time, then they can restrain those imbalances, rather than just waiting to offset the economic consequences of their unwinding.
ECONOMIST: Yesterday's financial architecture needs refurbishing
"There is a group of children with severe congenital heart disease who need to arrive at hospital in good time to get treatment, and if they do so then their survival rate is very good, " he said.
Far from assuming that the swing of the pendulum will in good time carry the Tories inexorably back to power, some of his party's leaders have privately written off their chances of victory in the next election.
We're sure the Xoom family and its sizable stable of mid-range phones will return to the site in good time, though, it wouldn't be a tragedy if the only surviving options were the newest members of the RAZR family.
ENGADGET: Moto pulls phones and tablets from German site pending software update
Having authorised sending an additional 30, 000 troops to Afghanistan in late 2009, after prolonged agonising, Mr Obama always intended that a limited drawdown would begin after this year's fighting season, with more coming home in good time for his bid to be re-elected in 2012.
ECONOMIST: The pressure mounts on the president from war-weary voters
From this, it is possible to deduce that there appears to be an informal agreement that each side will have eight court days for rebuttal, which would mean that the present phase will end by 1 July, in good time for the American independence day holiday (4 July).
Even as the coalition sharpened its axe to take a swipe at spending and borrowing, the idea was to endure a few years of pain before normal play was resumed, in good time for the 2015 election, when voters could get back to the traditional task of deciding which party's goody bag was the most appealing.
In fact they have a pretty good time, engaging in countless useful and interesting experiences.
Scaroni came in at a good time, when energy producers were enjoying handsome price gains.
McCarthy hopes to have all 11 back in good condition in time for Saturday's home Championship date with Blackpool at Molineux.
Button's team-mate Lewis Hamilton admitted that traffic problems were likely, but said it was still possible to put in a good lap time.
So too could the split-second scheduling, when she liked to linger in bed in the mornings till 9.30 or so, putting on her makeup in her own good time.
This way, consumers can buy the discounted phones on which Facebook Home ships, and turn them back into a regular Android smartphones, where Facebook is just another app we can use in our own good time.
Plenty of my school fellows did just OK in high school, went to second-rank universities, where they majored in having a good time, crammed for the LSAT (law school test) and squeezed into second-rank law schools or business schools.
When, in its own good time, Russia has made real reforms and something of a civic order, built a tax base and solid institutions, and learned that honesty in business pays, then the West should come back in.
All of that suggests this is, in fact, a good time to take stock.
Is it a good time in the market and economy to create such an offering?
We must all hope that he will exercise it to good effect in the time of testing ahead.