We came back to Mornei in July to a catastrophe that had no mercy.
Pending sales of existing homes rose 0.4% in July, going against expectations of a decline.
The Commerce Department reports that new-home sales fell 4.3% in July, far more than the expected 2.7%.
And in July, Dante Roscini will join Morgan Stanley as managing director and a senior banker in Europe.
Since releasing its first Aspire One in July 2008, Acer has grabbed the lead in global netbook shipments.
The Blackberry 10 device will be released in parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America in July.
For dining with a dash of adventure, try the Secret Foodies and Piper-Heidsieck Christmas in July dinner.
The parameters of the spread indicate that the investor is looking for downside protection through expiration in July.
The Albuquerque agents filed their warrant request with the Justice Department in July 1997.
The coalition government announced it was dropping the Building Schools For The Future scheme in July.
Yes, he does because the Streets of Toronto race in July suits his road-racing preference.
In July 2005 it bought Delphi's battery business, gaining a big foothold in Asia.
His extradition case at London's Westminster Magistrates' Court is scheduled to proceed in July.
WSJ: In Lithuania, the Tax Man Cometh Right After the Google Car Passeth
In July, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority approved a 10-year lease with the company for the store.
Then in July came foot-and-mouth, a highly contagious virus that affects cows, sheep and pigs.
Jetstar Japan, which launches operations in July, is one-third owned by Japan Airlines (JAL).
The number of loans approved in July for house purchase was the highest since November.
It was saved by a former factory worker last year and will be sold in July.
WorldCom became the largest corporate failure in US history when it filed for bankruptcy in July.
The European Union also approved an embargo on Iranian oil that goes into effect in July.
The July figure was 59 percent higher than the 41, 676 layoffs recorded in July 2010.
For instance, the ISM Manufacturing Index rose fractionally, from 55.5 in July to 56.3 in August.
FORBES: Seasonality And Sentiment Among The Many Reasons To Doubt This Rally
Genson Courtney, 23, was shot through the left eye in Greenwich, south-east London, in July 2011.
In July 2010, it forecast that Greek debt would be 149% of GDP in 2012.
The new garden of reflection is due to open to the public in July.
BBC: Wells Bishop��s Palace stone seat for garden of reflection
Mr. Abe may want to avoid difficult reforms ahead of parliamentary upper house elections in July.
Short interest reported by Nasdaq rose to 8.3 million in August from 5.1 million in July.
In July, Asus appeared to drop Windows in favor of Android for its upcoming Eee Pads.
FORBES: Asus Betting On Android And Windows For Tablets, Not Chrome
Scrubbed fresh with a new name, the company reemerged as Joy Global in July.
Citi economists in July made one of the most dire predictions of the situation in Greece.