Other factors involved in loneliness include individuals' levels of social skill, fear of rejection, and self-confidence, Leary said.
It warned that thousands of older people faced "the prospect of living out their last years in loneliness".
Variation in loneliness among people also has an explanation in evolutionary biology.
Thousands of older people, she said, were "facing an end to their social life, and the prospect of living out their last years in loneliness".
There is also a relief, Mr de Botton says, in surrendering to the embrace of loneliness in such a synthetic environment, where the feeling is almost a communal experience.
In his 200 interviews, Belk found that the most obsessive collectors had one overwhelming trait in common: loneliness.
While Ramon has battled loneliness in America, Ana has had to navigate some cultural pitfalls.
Loneliness in our widowed or divorced aging parents can be a constant.
The loneliness in the game is palpable at times, but never more so than with the family your main character lives with.
It was the corruption surrounding Tudjman's friends that did much more to swing the elections than the Croats' sense of loneliness in the world.
The closure of the local post office also led to far fewer opportunities for social interaction, with people reporting an increase in isolation and loneliness.
Do you ever experience loneliness in your leadership role?
FORBES: Do You Feel Lonely As A Leader? Study Says You're Not Alone.
Though she tours with backing musicians, Wasser says a certain type of loneliness sets in on tour.
Studies suggest social isolation is associated with a higher rate of death in older people and loneliness is the "hidden killer" of the elderly.
As predicted, this behavior eventually results in a life of loneliness and dread, probably forcing poor Chase to switch off the Nintendo handheld and seek out his long lost friends.
The rise in solo living may increase loneliness, but it also increases privacy and freedom.
Keep in mind that to avoid loneliness, many people need both a social circle and an intimate attachment .
The report suggests Londoners' loneliness could, in part, be created by the gap between rich and poor in the city.
As Sigismund Blondy saw him, Zwelish walked in a fiery aura of loneliness, but Blondy had got inside the penumbra.
Ken Rubin, professor of human development at the University of Maryland in College Park, says loneliness has developmental, but not necessarily genetic, origins.
After -- a little while after that, I think you start to think a little bit about the people who are back on Earth that are most precious to you, and then that little bit of loneliness can kick in.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's call to the International Space Station
Others may subconsciously use shopping as a respite for a marriage or job they feel trapped in, or a solace for loneliness or grief.
But, far away from the wail of sirens, there is so much hurting and loneliness that surrounds us in this world, so much need and hunger and solitary despair.
It may be that loneliness may affect systems in the brain dealing with cognition and memory, making lonely people more vulnerable to effects of age-related decline in neural pathways, he suggested.
But eating while trying to browse Facebook in an attempt to distract from your loneliness can be a challenge.
If you recognize that your loneliness may be affecting you in that way, you can take steps to counter it.
You are playing a cosmonaut fighting their loneliness by playing a game in which they can interact with a stranger.
If this bold social experiment produces lots of isolated people, there will of course be an outlet for their loneliness: they can confide in their robot pets and partners.
ECONOMIST: Why the Japanese want their robots to act more like humans
Think of isolation and loneliness as two big risk factors in why elders get financially abused.