The XA-C51, XA-C110 and XA-C210 models known collectively as the Alneo series, bring 2GB, 1GB, and 512MB of memory respectively in your choice of black, silver, and white.
ENGADGET: JVC Victor's Alneo flash players get gapless playback and USB streaming
These grid cells create a direct, intuitively simple map of everywhere you go, basically, sending the data to your hippocampus, the seat of memory and emotion in your brain.
You carry in your hearts the memory of the comrades you lost.
If you lose on penalties in front of your own crowd the memory will stay with you - and it won't be a happy one.
You can also save the layout of your home screen icons in the memory card.
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You want the last memory of your presentation to be engrained in the minds of the attendees.
FORBES: The Digital Age: Why Adding Visuals Will Transform Your Presentation
If you have to have your memory refreshed with your report more than a couple of times (or at all in a simple case), cannot articulate your methods of investigation, use an inordinate number of vocalized pauses, allow yourself to get flustered, or just generally look like a dunce, the defense attorney has successfully tacked you on a cross.
FORBES: Q: What are some cultural faux pas in police departments?
In case your memory is super bad, we've included the clip of Kudo after the break.
ENGADGET: Challenge: Make your own Natal demo video, get yourself on The Engadget Show
"The idea is that when you learn a new word you see it and then somebody tells you the name of it and then you link these things in your long-term memory, " says Camarata.
CNN: Scientists look to help children with autism find a voice
Part of your brain is engaged in constantly mapping where you are and storing that map in memory.
Your body must get the muscle memory of standing, walking, and talking in the ways that it will during the real event or occasion.
FORBES: Can You Fake Authenticity? Body Language Quick Take #10
If you have a 1 terabyte hardrive in your computer now, it would take 40, 960 of them to have the same memory capacity.
Part of it might be the delusional notion of preserving a memory, but it's probably more about showing everyone in social media that you're actually out of your house doing something culturally important.