I've directed the folks in my Cabinet to work with local folks, local officials, to develop a comprehensive strategy to rebuild the communities affected.
And there were folks in my party who were not happy, and there were folks in the Republican Party who were not happy.
WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference on the 2012 Budget
When the social web emerged, folks in my cohort found ourselves reconnecting with some familiar names and faces from the distant past.
Fresh from playing at the World Cup for Scotland, I went to see my folks in Australia, got married and had a new child, Ruby Rose.
These are mostly folks in my party.
WHITEHOUSE: The Country We Believe In: Improving America��s Fiscal Future | The White House
Most of the folks in my class are firefighters and police officers, which means that I, as a humble management coach and corporate trainer, am at the bottom of the heap when it comes to physical fitness, emotional resilience, and overall heroism.
This has limited the careers of some really talented folks, in my mind.
Look, understand this about bipartisanship -- I have a track record in my legislative career of working with folks across the aisle.
As President, I get to meet and work with a lot of extraordinary law enforcement officers every single day, from men and women who protect me and my family -- the folks in the Secret Service -- to local police who help out on motorcades in events around the country.
If you see no benefit, there are in general two paths your doctor might recommend (and I say doctor in the generic sense, given that many folks nowadays see physician assistants or nurse practitioners who often -- in my experience -- do a better job diagnosing and treating depression than do MDs).
The men and women in the armed forces in this country are some pretty amazing folks, my brothers included.
As a child growing up in the Clinton Park neighborhood in Houston, Texas, my parents were just regular folks trying to raise their five children (sounds like Gov. Sarah Palin).
You've heard their prime minister say, 'We're ready to go, ' and in my judgment and more importantly, the judgment of the military folks, they're not quite ready to go.
Now, look, I recognize -- and in my own shop, as well -- there are some folks here who study the issue who may question whether these energy investments create enough jobs to actually make a real difference.
WHITEHOUSE: VP Biden on Economic Expansion for the Middle Class
Many folks, including my mother, are very interested in family history and tracing who their ancestors were.
My opponent believes in top-down economics, the idea that if folks at the top are doing very, very well, then somehow prosperity rains down on everybody.
"My folks and supporters have never been as well treated as they have in the past 24 hours, " joked McCain.
But from what I'm hearing from my sources, Gov. Paterson still wants that group of a few folks to stay in this, so he has a choice to make.
Now, some of you know, I started my career in public service working in the shadow of steel mills that had closed, and working with folks trying to rebuild their neighborhoods.
Now, listen, you know I'm working hard because my voice is getting a little raspy. (Applause.) So, folks in the back, if you can't hear me, you let me know.