• The second leg of my journey began in Nazareth.

    BBC: Journey through the Holy Land

  • Meanwhile, in Nazareth, Israeli Arab MP Haneen Zuabi - who was on the flotilla - told a press conference that Israeli forces began firing while still in the helicopters hovering over the ships.

    BBC: Witnesses cast doubt on Israel's convoy raid account

  • Christmas is supposed to be a time of peace but there are problems in Nazareth because the Israeli Government has given Moslems permission to build a mosque yards from the Basilica of the Annunciation.

    BBC: Journey through the Holy Land

  • Born and raised in western New York, Beilein began his coaching career in high school, spent four years at the community college level, and one in Division III at Nazareth in suburban Rochester, N.

    WSJ: Boeheim & Beilein a game within the game

  • In 2012 they participated in Clean-up the World Day (an annual global conservation event to be held again on 20 to 22 September 2013) by leading hundreds of local school children in and around Nazareth, picking up garbage along the route.

    BBC: Walking with Jesus in the Galilee

  • Margaret McGuckin from Survivors and Victims of Institutional Abuse, (Savia), was abused as a child at Nazareth House in Belfast.

    BBC: Vatican reports on Irish child abuse scandals

  • Mr Daly, who said he was beaten by nuns at Nazareth House in Aberdeen in the 1970s , said the "Time for All to be Heard" pilot, which spoke to abuse victims from only one organisation and was not seeking to hold anyone to account, must be expanded into a national forum.

    BBC: Historic abuse law 'inflexible', says Scottish minister

  • Jews who wish to live in Muslim-majority communities must enjoy the protection of the law just as Muslims who live in Tel Aviv and Upper Nazareth do.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Addressing Israel's homegrown enemies

  • By looking at many different forms of theocracy and Caesaropapism, she hopes to create a context that renders comprehensible the emergence of Jesus of Nazareth as a preacher in villages in Galilee, the wildfire spread of Christianity, and its adoption as the official religion by the Roman empire.

    ECONOMIST: The origins of Christianity

  • After twelve years in New York, Elia Suleiman returned to his native Nazareth to make this subtle, witty, documentary-based comedy of life in internal exile as an Israeli Arab.

    NEWYORKER: Chronicle of a Disappearance

  • "The middle class is carrying the load in this recession, " says Linda Nazareth, an economist and author of The Leisure Economy.

    FORBES: Style

  • The luckless Lebanese-American Douaihy family, distant relatives of Kahlil Gibran, lives in a run-down section of Nazareth, Pennsylvania, where all is definitely not well and may never be.

    NEWYORKER: Bluebird of Unhappiness

  • Earlier this month, MK Massoud Ghanem of the United Arab-Ta'al party gave an interview to the Nazareth newspaper Kul el-Arab in which he expressed his hope to one day see Israel destroyed and replaced with an Islamic caliphate.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Hizbullah on the homefront

  • In his 2011 book, "Jesus of Nazareth, " he made a sweeping exoneration of the Jewish people for the death of Christ, explaining biblically and theologically why there was no basis in Scripture for the argument that the Jewish people as a whole were responsible for Jesus' death.

    NPR: Benedict Stumbled Trying To Right Troubled Church

  • The merger was announced at the SEC last month in the presence of Chairman Christopher Cox and Commissioner Annette Nazareth, who helped the two sides negotiate parts of the deal.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • On October 7th, Nazareth's District Court ruled that the land in question did not belong to al-Waqf but to the state, and it was therefore up to the government to decide its fate.

    ECONOMIST: Nazareth: Unholy goings-on | The

  • Parties like The Democratic List of Nazareth may not have been very big but they were included in governing coalitions and they reflected the impulse of the left-wing founders of the new state that the Arab minority had to be included in the political process.

    BBC: Israel elections quandary for marginalised Arab citizens

  • Considered by many to be the greatest living theologian, he authored more than 65 books, stretching from the classic "Introduction to Christianity" in 1968 to the final installment of his triptych on "Jesus of Nazareth" last year considered by some to be his most important contribution to the church.

    NPR: Pope Legacy: Teacher Who Returned To Church Roots

  • Celebrating Mass on Thursday, Benedict covered similar territory in his message to over 30, 000 parishioners gathered at the Mount of the Transfiguration, outside Nazareth.

    CNN: Pope urges Israelis, Palestinians: 'No more war!'

  • In its earliest days Exodus did indeed promise that it (or, more properly, Jesus of Nazareth as Risen Lord) could and would reliably change believer sexual orientations, completely.

    FORBES: The Internet, Freedom of Speech and the Anti-Gay App

  • Variations of place names for Nazareth (sometimes called Natzrat or Nazara), Capernaum (Kapharnaum) and Tzippori (Sepphoris) appear in biblical texts and in the Talmud, an ancient Jewish rabbinical scripture written in Hebrew and Aramaic.

    BBC: Walking with Jesus in the Galilee

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