In no circumstances, the campaign should convey to female listener a sentiment of being a victim or make her a sole responsible for violence occurring to her.
"In our humble opinion there was no need to add this charge, there are no changes in the circumstances, " Mr Mehta said.
Although Mr Livingstone has offered Mr Dobson a job in his cabinet, the former health secretary said he could "see no circumstances" in which he would work for the mayor.
Or is that so out of court that there's no circumstances in which you could imagine that happening?
One reason night-time deliveries were allowed to disturb the sleep of ordinary Roman citizens is simply that the city's law-makers, safely cocooned in their Palatine palaces, had no experience of living in such bleak circumstances themselves.
Pietersen hailed the atmosphere in the dressing room and insisted there was no awkwardness despite the controversial circumstances in which he lost the captaincy in January.
They acquired their companies roughly a decade ago, in circumstances that bore no scrutiny at all.
And circumstances in Pakistan are no different from those in neighbouring India, where the virus has infected around four million people.
In my judgment, there are no circumstances that would justify the United States using nuclear weapons unless those weapons were used first by an opposing power.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Case Against the Halperin Nomination �� White Paper
It is a six-monthly handing over of the baton that elicits no excitement at all in normal circumstances, but these days the circumstances are not quite normal.
Whatever the merits of high taxes on fuel in ordinary circumstances, there is no respectable case for cutting them under present conditions, in the face of bully-boy tactics, actual or threatened, by pickets outside refineries.
"In all the circumstances, ladies and gentlemen, you should have no difficulty in concluding that Zoe Nelson was the victim of a murderous attack", she added.
In such circumstances, there would be no way to hold criminals responsible for their crimes.
"As with most such incidents, a series of unfortunate events and circumstances resulted in an outcome no one wanted, " he said.
In fact, some advisers feel clients may fare better, since special programs generally have no flexibility in penalties based on individual circumstances.
He had been accused of not informing his superiors of the split, which created a change in his circumstances and meant he could no longer received the allowance.
Founded on the belief that power belongs to the people, that government exists to protect our rights and serve our interests, and that no one should be trapped in the circumstances of their birth.
It may read more like a discussion document than Part One, which made concrete and timetabled recommendations, but the commission will seek unanimity where possible, and in those circumstances, recommend change or no change as the evidence strikes them.
The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, is hereby authorized to determine that circumstances no longer warrant the blocking of the property and interests in property of a person listed in the Annex to this order, and to take necessary action to give effect to that determination.
But in my view, there is absolutely no harm to be done in giving the fullest possible explanation of the circumstances surrounding this decision.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron at the White House | The White House
They were rabid in saying that Bernanke must no, under any circumstances, do QE3.
The two men have yet to face off in anything resembling normal political circumstances, with no election furore or freakish mishaps.
But he is accused of not informing officials when he and his wife separated, therefore creating a change in his circumstances and meaning he may have no longer received the allowance.
" Dave Lenny, Greene's lawyer, responded to Tice's demand for an apology in February 2008, saying that "under no circumstances will Mr. Greene either violate the terms of the settlement agreement or lie to any individual that your clients have not engaged in material fraud when it is clear they have.
No doubt the British government will, in those circumstances, order Mr Faull to do an excellent job.
Nevertheless, what the American government is at pains to establish is that there are no circumstances, no matter how grievous, in which an American would be subject to ICC jurisdiction.
South Wales Police said there were no suspicious circumstances and an inquest will be held in due course.
There is no means offered for those prone to or mired in such circumstances to seek to leave them.
FORBES: How Deficit Spending Works to Defeat a Liquidity Trap
No matter the circumstances, we condemn such violence in the strongest terms possible.
Only that once parted from them in unexpected circumstances they seem to vanish into thin air, no matter how many calls I make.