The overstretched court system, alas, is in no shape to oversee such a process.
He had been ill for several years, and was in no shape to run a nuclear power.
And the investment trusts are in no shape to take their place.
TUZI, Yugoslavia (CNN) -- In the final days of her pregnancy, Lindita, a Kosovo Albanian woman from the city of Pec, was in no shape to travel.
In the spirit of openness now sweeping the country, officials acknowledge that the economy was in no shape, for instance, to prosper after Myanmar's planned entry into a single market among the ten-country Association of South-East Asian Nations in 2015.
At least during the new government's first three months, when it will push through its main economic measures, the opposition will be in no shape to resist, argues Jose Luis Machinea, Mr de la Rua's likely economy minister, who ran the central bank under Mr Alfonsin .
ECONOMIST: Argentina’s Mr Boring plods to victory by default | The
And it can in no way, shape, or form be seen as military intervention.
It was simply an editing mistake and in no way, shape, or form changes our long-standing position on the matter.
In no way, shape or form do these sad statistics represent progress.
Greece is in terrible shape and shows no sign of getting better.
Paulson had spent much of last week trying to convince investors that the companies were in good shape and that no rescue plan was needed.
Others object, more reasonably, that America's economy is in sound shape: with no sign of inflation, there are no grounds for the Fed to act.
The firefighters' spokesman Frederic Grosjean confirmed that "the block was in perfectly good shape - we had no difficulty getting access to the floors".
BBC: Paris apartment fire kills five in Gennevilliers suburb
No single person has done as much to shape the history of the Balkans in the past dozen years, and no single person has as much to answer for in the court of historical judgment.
He wore a gray suit, no badge, a tie clip in the shape of a pistol.
The half dozen survivors are in bad shape, with few supplies, no chance of contacting the outside world and little hope of rescue.
"The comments you get most frequently are people saying, 'wow if this guy can do it with one leg, if he can get in that good a shape then I have no excuses with two legs, " says Sundquist.
"No matter what shape you're in, if you're good enough to get a quarterback who can help you, then I think miracles can happen, " Brandt said.
"There's no question that you have to be in good shape physically to run for the presidency, " agrees Michael Dukakis, who ran against George Bush Snr in 1988.
The company is in "good shape" with continued growth in the first three quarters of the year and there were no plans to make permanent staff redundant, it added.
Without a doubt, there is a grand experiment in economic policy taking shape across the country that could lead to a significant increase in the number of low to no-income tax states.
FORBES: States Push Back Against Obama's Knee Jerk Tax-Increase Addiction
In pretty good shape for the time being, with no imminent proposals to raise taxes for VC firms.
There was no visible wood grain in the print, and its shape indicated it was taken from a curved surface, not a flat one.
No matter what kind of shape your business is in, if your attitude is never, never, never give up, you stand a much better chance of succeeding.
Yes fortunately, and certainly no thanks to us, they now do seem to be in somewhat better shape than we have been led to believe after all.
Last summer Milan owner Silvio Berlusconi decided that the team could no longer operate beyond its means and sold off the crown jewels in the shape of Thiago Silva and Zlatan Ibrahimovic to PSG.
With a multi-touch display - no keyboard or mouse here -- housed in what looks in size and shape like a chic coffee table, the company hope that the table-style computer will change the face of computing at the office and in the home over the next decade.
No nation in history has had the opportunity and the responsibility we now have to shape a world more peaceful, secure and free.
The two are interlinked: no investors will be willing to put in money until Mr Byers comes up with a credible new shape for the industry that avoids the pitfalls of the privatisation model.