He has broken sharply with the fiscal pattern of earlier Labour governments in one respect, however.
Working knowledge with excellent drafting skills in one of the working languages (English or French).
My husband also - his job, he's a surveillance technician in one of the local casinos.
As a result, a rating that is reasonable in one climate becomes unreasonable in another.
Downing his beer in one, he orders another, then peers out at the street.
With NetSuite, he can see all financial, marketing and customer information in one place.
In one classic study, psychologist Ronald Finke asked participants to create an art project.
In one place, the road leading to the point crosses a causeway barely wider than the asphalt.
For plant closings, notice is required if 50 or more workers lose their jobs in one location.
The route took in one of the city's main shopping streets, containing tens of thousands of shoppers.
BBC: Violent clashes after Southampton and Portsmouth FA tie
Billed by its organisers as "the world's biggest tango extravaganza", it is, in fact, two events in one.
Today, first-class observation cars with panoramic windows let leaf-peeping tourists zoom through the hill country in one day.
Start your cycle tour at breakfast time in one of the hutongs (alleys) north of the Forbidden City.
In one room chemists are fabricating a range of organic molecules they hope will function as mechanical components.
After an evening meal, stay in one of the seven tents listening to the sounds of the night.
It resulted in one of the three admonishments issued to DeLay last fall by the House ethics committee.
In a way, you could even think of it as a facial and workout in one.
An office was discovered in one of the bedrooms where internet orders were received and processed.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Bristol/Somerset | DVD and computer games are seized
In one scene, the monsters are dancing and acting wild at a fraternity party.
Wall Street Meat is a page-turner, easily consumed in one New York-to-San Francisco plane ride.
In one near-Borgesian instance, a hungry woman eats a map and is then consumed by wanderlust.
In one study, 637 patients received standard chemotherapy plus radiation, and half also received Avastin.
Billionaires are reportedly involved in one way or another with most of top 20.
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The deadline is the latest development in one of the largest Ponzi schemes in U.S. history.
She sells real estate in one of the worst markets in the world: Florida.
In one Davos session, a straw poll was held: is the financial system safer now?
He was seen jogging in one of the parks, in the thrall of a personal trainer.
When trouble arises in one sector, analysts in that field can sour on the whole company.
As soon as wages rise in one previously low cost country another will emerge.
In one very literal fell swoop he dispatches half his armies to the north.
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