Reference points are used in lieu of addresses in other places around the world, including India.
By changing their perspective and looking for ideas in other places, those needs became obvious.
Running a hedge fund in Brazil is rather different from doing so in other places, however.
In Japan, says Mr Ishiguro, people are even more reluctant than in other places to approach a stranger.
ECONOMIST: Why the Japanese want their robots to act more like humans
In other places, suspicion of outsiders has helped to produce extremists at the other end of the political spectrum.
In other places, the influx of federal transfer payments kept incomes from falling much further than they would have.
Even more snow had fallen in other places, including 19 inches in Jefferson, about 70 miles southwest of Denver.
We had done international expansion in other places but with China, it's the largest wedding marketplace in the world.
The centre can contribute to sharing this learning and perhaps to help inform the resolution of conflict in other places.
"However this virus may already be in other places in the United States, " CDC spokesman Tom Skinner told CNN.
CNN: Regular flu season precautions advised in current outbreak
In other places the connection between piracy and popularity is more tenuous.
The candies are still popular in the region, though many people in other places do not even know the nostalgic brand still exists.
In other places such as Japan, where people pay per-minute phone rates for local calls, consumers are eager to eliminate online access fees.
The industry here has a lot in common with the industry in other places that I've worked, such as Poland, Hungary and Korea.
"Even if she wore a headscarf here, we know it is not her real self because she performs differently in other places, " he said.
While the storm was dumping plenty of snow in other places, Washington was getting just fractions of an inch, said CNN meteorologist Sean Morris.
Surgery isn't usually considered effective because it will remove cancer cells only from one area, but the cancer is more likely located in other places.
All the same, governments in other places planning carbon pricing, such as South Korea and some Chinese provinces, will watch what unfolds in Australia with interest.
While the C-MAX Energi nameplate is new to the U.S. market, the technology and design has proven itself already in other ways and in other places.
ENGADGET: Ford's 2013 C-Max Energi rolls out 95 MPGe, arrives later this fall
The city's green bus-priority lanes, more extensive and heavily enforced than in other places, have reduced journey times by up to 25% and greatly increased passenger numbers.
Despite successes in some communities which had identified their own priorities and acted on them, in other places partnerships were "at loggerheads" with local councils, it said.
In other places a man who plays three guitars at the same time might be dubbed a trickster, the musical equivalent of a Three Card Monte dealer.
And that by letting go, it has forced me to be creative, to find community, to look beyond the security that wealth can bring and find it in other places.
It will provide for how the land register is to deal with common areas, both within tenements and in other places where property is shared, such as driveways and gardens.
But many of the huge landholdings are in the Amazon region, and much of their land is unsuited to farming of any kind, though in other places there is indeed scope for redistribution.
Brown sees the problems with coal and climate change as a very human issue that could lead to droughts in some places, including the American Midwest, and floods in other places, like the American coasts.