He was, in other words, well acquainted with death, and may have been uncommonly sensitive to the emotional chaos that it engenders.
In other words, well-informed opponents realized that they needed an activist Supreme Court that was willing to aggressively overturn laws if they were to have any hope of invalidating the Affordable Care Act.
There is no point in worrying about something that is a consequence of something else - in other words, playing well.
In other words politically, as well as economically, he's sticking to Plan A. If it fails he's in trouble.
In other words, it was well within the strike zone the Republicans institutionalized in 1988 when they turned the GOP's amiable hitman Lee Atwater loose with his "Willie Horton" ad against Michael Dukakis.
In other words, Hawaii would be well protected but not New York.
In other words, QE2 worked so well, we skipped the lower rates and went directly to the higher rates that go with growth!
However, these results apply to cases where the minimum wage stays pretty low - in other words, when it remains well below most definitions of the living wage.
In other words, delivering bad news well demonstrates personal courage: it shows that you will do things that are personally uncomfortable or difficult for the good of the enterprise.
In other words, progress in negotiations could well prove essential for a change of leadership in Gaza.
From Samsung, the M220 and M320 are simple 1xRTT flips with essentially the same specs as one another, though the M320 tacks on a VGA camera (so in other words, it really may as well not have a camera, either).
ENGADGET: Sprint outs Motorola i365 and V950 with Samsung M220, M320 -- no Touch Diamond yet
In other words, the worst possible outcome could well be maintaining the status quo.
In other words, the efficacy of DAPTs may well be limited to persons and assets located in DAPTs.
In other words, you have to be professionally well rounded.
FORBES: Being Professionally Well Rounded Is Generally A Formula For Being Mediocre
In other words, a foreign inflow, as well as financing good things such as public infrastructure and corporate investment, is also associated with debt defaults, inflation and currency crises.
In other words, are there investments that will do well if the economy deteriorates?
In other words, we have to be growing pretty well before hiring really starts.
In other words, these industries on the whole may well be hurting even worse than our analysis suggests.
So, in other words, if we judge society by how well it serves the poor, then free enterprise is far and away the greatest anti-poverty program known to man.
FORBES: Policies Meant To Achieve Equality Are Very Unfair To The Least Equal
In other words, ASEAN may have diverted trade as well as creating it (although the average tariff it imposes on outsiders has now fallen from over 12% to under 3%).
In other words, Mr Havel spun a good line in well-meaning and unexceptionable waffle.
In other words, they were a reward for a job well done, which may surprise the traveling public.
In other words, we are already a feminist nation as well as one that believes strongly in the value of marriage.
In other words, food marketed to children should have, well, actual food.
In other words, pioneers had better be tough, as well as right.
FORBES: How America's Best Pain Doctor - John Sarno - Took On The Medical Establishment and Won
In other words, the algorithms we depend on are, well, random.
In other words, the K2 we saw would work perfectly well on the road, though Garmin opted to fix the GPS location in Chicago for the purposes of today's demonstration.
In other words, we think life is a performance because, well, it kind of is.
In other words, the most important trait in an underdog is how well it handles the ball.
In other words, that founding DNA becomes part of the culture as well as how the organization structures itself and its processes.
FORBES: Why Facebook Doesn't Have Mobile In Its Founding DNA - and Why That Spells Disaster