• In our Solar System, we believe the Sun has accreted about two-and-a-half Earth-masses of rocky material.

    BBC: 'Hungry' stars reveal planet presence

  • So, that means that there was not that violence in our solar system.

    NPR: What Makes Our Solar System Special?

  • We think there may have been some violent events in our solar system.

    NPR: What Makes Our Solar System Special?

  • On Monday, January 21st, the Moon will appear amazingly close in the sky to the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter.

    ENGADGET: PSA: Slooh's Space Camera broadcasting Moon / Jupiter conjunction right now

  • It's about exploring and learning and going to various places in our solar system, and I guess you can't place a value on that.

    NPR: Is the Space Shuttle Worth the Effort?

  • While putting money into renewed human space flight efforts, the proposal cuts scientific research, particularly the study of the other planets in our solar system.

    CNN: NASA shoots for asteroid, new manned missions

  • Like phone books, we used to have immutable facts all compiled in Encyclopedia Britannica: 9 planets in our solar system, the Soviet Union, and avoid alcohol.

    FORBES: When facts change fast, what should our kids be learning?

  • "First, this icy 'super-Earth' dominates the region around its star that in our Solar System is populated by the gas-giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn, " he said.

    BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Planet hunters find 'super-Earth'

  • Located 168 light years from Earth orbiting the star Kappa Andromedae, this planet is about 12.8 times more massive than Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system.

    FORBES: Astronomers Locate Massive 'Super-Jupiter' Around Giant Star

  • Observatories around the world send their findings to the NASA-funded Minor Planet Center, which keeps a database of all known asteroids and comets in our solar system.

    CNN: While you were working: An asteroid just flew by

  • Prof Solomon said that what Messenger finds not only unlocks secrets about the innermost planet in our Solar System, but could also shed light on those of other planets.

    BBC: Mercury's water ice at north pole finally proven

  • There are millions of asteroids in our solar system, and they come in all dimensions -- from the size of a beach ball to a large mountain, NASA said.


  • The researchers say this dust must be coming from collisions among small bodies similar to the comets or icy bodies that make up today's Kuiper Belt objects in our solar system.

    MSN: Wild solar system spotted around distant star?

  • The test was designed to simulate the type of impact that would have been frequent during Earth's early history, some four billion years ago, when rocky, icy debris in our Solar System accumulated to form planets.

    BBC: Comets could have seeded life on Earth

  • In the three minutes and nine seconds of Scott Manley's YouTube video, each asteroid discovery over the past 30 years emerges as a bright shock of color on a mostly black background, a map of the earth's circulation in our solar system.


  • In 1609, Italian philosopher and physicist Galileo Galilei used descriptions of Lippershey's gadget to build his own telescope, and with it he was able to observe the Earth, the Moon and several planets in our solar system in detail for the first time.

    FORBES: No. 17: The Telescope

  • While the ship will not travel at warp speed, with an ion propulsion engine powered by a 1.5GW nuclear reactor, it can travel at a constant acceleration so that the ship can easily get to key points of interest in our solar system.

    MSN: Spaceship Enterprise in 20 years? Beam me up!

  • But first, we haven't heard the last about the ignominious vote last month to strip Pluto of its place in our solar system - kicked out of the planetary lineup by a group of astronomers because it doesn't fit the new definition of what a planet is.

    NPR: Astronomers Prepare to Fight Pluto Demotion

  • Mr. ALAN STERN (Southwest Research Institute): And, you know, whereas we know of four terrestrial planets and four gas giants, we expect that there are hundreds if not thousands of these ice dwarfs, and so this class of planets which we have not yet reconnoitered is in reality the most populous class of planetary body in our solar system.

    NPR: NASA Sends Spacecraft to Pluto

  • Dr. THOMMES: Well, what we think happened in our solar system is that we are an example of a system that was sort of near the boundary between something that actually formed gas giants, formed, well, the Jupiter and Saturn that we see today, and something that if conditions had been a little bit different wouldn't have really formed any gas giants at all.

    NPR: What Makes Our Solar System Special?

  • "We are starting to see a whole new type of planetary system, which is unlike anything in our own solar system, " said astronomer William Welsh at San Diego State University, who presented the Kepler findings Wednesday at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Austin, Texas.

    WSJ: Galaxy Hosts 100 Billion Planets, in New Estimate

  • "We are starting to see a whole new type of planetary system, which is unlike anything in our own solar system, " said William Welsh, an astronomer at San Diego State University, who presented the Kepler findings Wednesday at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Austin, Texas.

    WSJ: Galaxy Hosts 100 Billion Planets, in New Estimate

  • The majority of these planets are gas giants, a bit like Jupiter or Saturn in our own Solar System.

    BBC: Trio of 'super-Earths' discovered

  • If Fomalhaut b bears similarities to Jupiter in our own Solar System, we muse, could that mean that Jupiter is not unique?

    UNESCO: Open Access to Scientific Information

  • Small planets, like the inner four in our own solar system, are rocky - larger ones, like the outer four, aren't much more than balls of gas.

    BBC: Viewpoint: The obsession with a 'twin Earth'

  • As we orbited the sun, we exposed the back side of the collector to stardust, interstellar grains, that are actually coming in to our solar system at the present time.

    NPR: Stardust Set to Deliver Comet Samples

  • And we have more than 200 planets around other stars that we know about today, and also about what we may expect to discover in the future in our own solar system.

    NPR: Astronomers Prepare to Fight Pluto Demotion

  • The stakes have just been raised a notch: Not only is there another planet right next door in our own solar system that had habitable environments on its surface long ago, but there appear to have been common and recognizable -- perhaps even Earthlike -- environments on Mars.

    CNN: Have a drink on Mars

  • "Offering this programming in 3D will enable our viewers to completely immerse their senses in the unchartered landscape that makes up our solar system, " said Derek Chang, executive vice president of Content Strategy and Development for DIRECTV.

    ENGADGET: n3D presents History Channel's The Universe in 3D on July 30

  • ExoMars is a challenging, difficult but tremendously important project if we ever want to have a robotic exploration programme in our neighbourhood in the Solar System.

    BBC: Esa-Nasa Mars missions' race against clock

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