Han has several staff cutting clothes in a back room in plain sight of guests.
These begin with the obvious, including never leaving your vehicle unlocked when parked, running unattended, sitting with the keys in the ignition or with valuables in plain sight.
"In Gwinnett County, the drug dealers are able to hide in plain sight, " county District Attorney Danny Porter said.
In this case, we chanced upon Sony's Xperia sola hiding in plain sight at Sparhandy's booth.
ENGADGET: Sony Xperia sola: a pint-sized Android handset with floating touch (hands-on)
Unless you consider hiding in plain sight as a strategy for keeping corporate secrets.
But there's another resource-draining plague afflicting these countries, one hiding in plain sight: smoking.
The red box is in plain sight of anyone who walks by the room.
The deer seemed somehow aware of their momentarily protected status, lingering in plain sight.
"I'm always trying to hide things in plain sight, " Mr. Hurwitz said about a signature aspect of the show.
Marauders are not always wholly averse to emerging from cover and kneeling in plain sight, providing a tempting target.
All of this has unfolded in plain sight over a period of years.
FORBES: The Real Problem With Al Gore's $100 Million Payday From Selling Current To Al Jazeera
Yet both men have changed the course of their fields by gathering together tools that were sitting in plain sight.
But hiding in plain sight of the Pakistani military raises many questions, and should raise more than a few eyebrows.
FORBES: Did the Pakistani Military Know Where Osama bin Laden Was Hiding?
And while mines are dangerous because they are invisible, volatile cluster bombs are deadly because they lie in plain sight.
We also saw our readers going wild over a real-life invisibility cloak that causes its wearer to vanish in plain sight.
Here's the shocker ending to the murder mystery I may write someday: The loot everybody's scrambling for is concealed in plain sight.
When you study the careers of Diller, Lindemann and Jobs--call them the Rebooted Rich--you see a common fact hiding in plain sight.
It is no secret that Osama bin Laden was hiding in plain sight in various locales in Pakistan for the past decade.
At first, this proved deceptively easy: most of what I wanted to know was hiding in plain sight, at my local library.
They just did it--hiding billions of dollars in expenses in plain sight.
The heavy police presence discourages criminals from operating in plain sight, and a network of public security cameras provides an additional deterrent.
Last month, the tantalizing theory swept armchair archaeologists the world over when Reeves published a report suggesting Nefertiti has been hiding in plain sight all along.
With half or more public companies lacking any formal succession plans, business continuity and talent retention are significant risks that hide in plain sight.
FORBES: How Citigroup Handled the Vikram Pandit Ouster, and What It Says About Succession Planning
Guillermo Gonzalez, of Amsterdam's Hiding in Plain Sight bar, uses a generic brand from the bar's vegetable supplier, but insists on the kosher variety.
Sir Peter is careful to keep Henry's evangelical enthusiasm in plain sight, though it is hard not to conclude that profits were the sharper spur.
As for the killer, he's in plain sight from the beginning: a creepy neighbor (Stanley Tucci) with the hopeless comb-over and furtive mustache of an easy-to-spot perv.
"It's something that is hiding in plain sight, " says Brancati.
The consequences of our inaction are now in plain sight.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Oval Office Address on BP Oil Spill & Energy | The White House