Its charitable groups provide food and other help to those in poverty around the world.
But the fact remains that this tiny country of about 750, 000 people starts life in poverty.
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There are more people in poverty -- one out of six people in poverty.
But despite their rhetoric politicians do not spend much time worrying about those in poverty.
She's one of 35 million Americans who live in poverty every single day, unnoticed, unheard.
The government currently provides funeral payments from the Social Fund to those in poverty.
Because defending benefits that trap people in poverty and penalise work is defending the indefensible.
Over 17 million women lived in poverty in 2010, compared to 12.6 million men.
People not in poverty but with low incomes would have to pay their percentage.
People who are trapped in poverty aren't going to do much about health care.
Our middle class is still shaken, and too many folks are still locked in poverty.
WHITEHOUSE: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Phoenix Awards Dinner | The White House
And over 1.5 million Georgians are registered with state social service agencies as living in poverty.
They separated over a dispute about a job that left Brubeck and his family in poverty.
"The people of South Africa living in poverty are saying they are not okay, " he said.
Born in rural Mississippi, she spent her early years living in poverty on her grandmother's farm.
We also have 35 million Americans who, every single day, live in poverty in America.
The United Nations reckons that about eight out of ten Tajiks live in poverty.
Those who protect the status quo must answer to the 46 million Americans living in poverty.
The number of children living in poverty has increased over the last 30 years.
"Unless we use these 25 years really well, we'll be trapped in poverty, "says Roberto Newell.
In 1978, the year Superman came out, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were living in poverty.
The fall in poverty owes everything to the surge in the oil price since 1999.
Growth of 4%, while welcome, is not enough to make much of a dent in poverty.
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Born in poverty, she became the lead singer of Cuba's greatest dance band, La Sonora Matancera.
The poverty rate climbed to 15.1%, meaning nearly one in six Americans suffered in poverty.
It is unacceptable that one in four children in poverty in America are hungry.
WHITEHOUSE: Bringing Healthy, Affordable Food to Underserved Communities | The White House
Other missions provide cash handouts to the elderly, the disabled and mothers living in poverty.
Credo finds that students in poverty and English language learners fare better in charters.
Despite its vast mineral wealth, decades of conflict and mismanagement mean most Congolese remain stuck in poverty.
In 1996-97, the year before Labour took office, the number of children living in poverty was 4.4m.