Swansea City have decided to install extra seating in readiness for Saturday's vital match against Hull.
This is a top-level event and we all want to see where we are in readiness for the season.
Network Rail is also upgrading the line from London Paddington to the west country and South Wales in readiness for electrification.
BBC: Slough MP Fiona Mactaggart wants rush hour train changes
The Black and Ambers played well despite being well below strength, resting key players in readiness for Tuesday's much tougher home test against Llanelli.
But Wilkinson insists the England players are making sure they prepare themselves to the height of their powers in readiness for the match.
The country's borders had been strengthened in readiness for the competition.
"This is where the individual or whole family is based in military accommodation and they buy or rent another home in Wales, usually in readiness for retirement but it may equally be for the purposes of holidays etc, " a spokesperson said.
On one of these walks, the Swede will move cabling on the exterior of the station in readiness for the arrival next year of a connecting unit, called Node 3 or "Tranquility", and a huge window referred to as the Cupola.
If Congress does not replace the current Continuing Resolution with one providing more flexibility to move money around in response to urgent needs, then the shortfall in funding for readiness created by sequestration turns into a genuine crisis.
In a report published Thursday by the World Economic Forum and the French business school INSEAD, Sweden placed first in a global ranking of countries in terms of their readiness for tech business, compared with a second place ranking in 2009.
In terms of our readiness for self-sacrifice, we have no equals.
Redmond said the agency still is maintaining its current levels of readiness in neighboring countries for any outflow from Iraq, where continuing insecurity and the fragile religious and ethnic tensions could result in new displacement.
But in a free society the moral footing for peaceful lawbreaking must be an individual's readiness to take the consequences, argue in court and fight for a change in the law.
Do you maintain a California base in a state of constant readiness for your return?
The implicit social treaty to which the Mormons in Utah agreed meant giving up their claims to autonomy and the practices that their countrymen found most distasteful (notably, polygamy), in exchange for recognition of their primacy in Utah and a readiness in the rest of the country to tolerate their faith.
Certainly in the financial markets, the view is that the ECB's readiness in some circumstances to intervene in the market for government debt has bought some time, and it's up to those governments to put the time that has been bought for them to good use.
Ricardo Sanchez wrote a memo in December 2003 in which he complained to top Army officials about a shortage of spare parts, lack of protective gear and poor readiness rates for Army weapons in Iraq.
Furthermore a 10% reduction in training hours for flight crews could reduce their readiness status, requiring four-to-six weeks of additional training to deploy and will jeopardize crew safety.
I've arrived for the ride in varying degrees of physical readiness.
Mr Koizumi will soon have been in office for a year and there is little sign of a readiness to confront the longstanding troubles of the banking sector.
That meant a normal willingness to defend its own interests, for example in the European Union, and also a readiness to send troops on such foreign missions as the war in Kosovo.
Pending the outcome of a series of flight readiness meetings in the coming weeks, this successful flight sets the stage for the next Soyuz launch, planned for mid-November.
In particular, they will be haggling over the criteria for battle-readiness which all the big countries want to establish as a way of encouraging more sensible defence spending.
ECONOMIST: The EU turns its attention from ploughshares to swords
It has a serious readiness problem and has massive unfunded bills for repairing equipment damaged in combat, adding more troops to its ranks, and finishing its modular force conversion.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Army and its Future Combat Systems in Jeopardy
The limitless expectations vested in the NHS by voters are not matched by a correspondingly unlimited readiness to pay for it.
CTBT, a readiness to halt the production of fissile materials for bomb-making, restraint in the numbers of warheads and missiles India will deploy, tightened export controls on sensitive technology, and improved relations between India and Pakistan.
The elected chair of this first session, Danielle Mazzonis, noted in her closing remarks that the Scientific Council is off to a good start and the Council affirmed its readiness to help the Office fine-tune its strategy for addressing the challenges in the region, taking into consideration the current financial constraints that UNESCO finds itself in.
Claims that there is no gap in college access for low-income students are based on a flawed analysis that understates college readiness and overstates enrollment figures.
WSJ: Should More College Financial Aid Be Based on Need, Not Merit?
The Director-General expressed her gratitude to the President Kikwete for his support and assured him of the Organization's readiness to accompany Tanzania in its further efforts towards inclusive and sustainable development.