This purports to show that U.S. manufacturing output has tripled in real terms since 1980.
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Tata Motors' plans would produce, in real terms, by far the cheapest car ever made.
In the short term, keeping the minimum wage from declining in real terms would help.
The latest figures show house prices off by 40% in real terms, and still falling.
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Investment in information-technology equipment and software fell at an annual rate of 6.5% in real terms.
Therefore, total real federal expenditures are likely to contract in real terms this year.
But that does not take inflation into account: in real terms it will be 3% lower.
In real terms American farm prices have risen by 150% over the past century.
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They've had 30 billion, 30% increase in real terms in the money they've got.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Breakfast with Frost | Council Tax capped?
Even long-dated yields are less than 1% in real terms, thanks to demand from pension funds.
ECONOMIST: A very unusual sign of confidence in economic policy
Since then, the U.S. economy and stock markets have gone nowhere, in real terms.
Colombia's economy grew 3.5% in real terms in 2003, the biggest increase since 1995.
In nominal terms, public spending stayed constant, meaning that it fell sharply in real terms.
Put simply: because inflation reduces wages in real terms, employers can afford to hire more people.
Salaries have risen strongly in real terms for years, and unemployment is at a record low.
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Measured in real terms, share prices have fallen by less from their peak this time.
The cost of administration per student soared by 61% in real terms between 1993 and 2007.
The Treasury says fuel duty has been "reduced by 13% in real terms" since 2001.
The main explanation is fuel prices, which have risen by 34% in real terms since 2003.
Last year, America's broad money supply grew at its fastest in real terms for a quarter-century.
In real terms, that means children average 29 teaspoons of added refined sugar per day.
The budget will still creep up in real terms until it flattens off in 2015.
Average wages have also fallen by 5% in real terms over the past year.
All pensions must exceed the minimum wage, which has trebled in real terms since 1995.
In real terms, prices in Germany are the same as they were in the early 1970s.
Ordinary Tunisians' lives have improved, with income per head doubling in real terms since 1990.
Over the last twenty-five years the cost of college has quadrupled in real terms.
Last year imports grew almost four times as fast as exports in real terms.
This year alone, spending has jumped by 10.9%, or around 8% in real terms.
In real terms Jamaicans are no richer today than they were in the early 1970s.