With epothilone, her cancer disappeared entirely after three months and remained in remission for another two months.
Doctors have told her she is in remission after completing treatment for the illness.
Since then the physical side has been presented as ulceratic colitis, now in remission.
Today, Keith's cancer is in remission, thanks to the NHS, but his partner is unrepentant.
The administrative judge, citing one doctor's 2007 conclusion that he was "in remission, " turned him down.
After undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy Mrs Gladwin has been in remission for the past five years.
Now in remission, Reed, 39, says the program has helped her gain a new perspective on life.
The 20 patients in this early study received the vaccine and boosters after chemotherapy and while in remission.
Now in remission, Carla and her husband founded the Carla Hill Breast Cancer and Organ Donation Awareness Fund.
Watson remains in remission and continues to take the drug every six months.
Then, with the illness in remission, he studied art in Florence and Venice.
Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo, 60, was diagnosed with lymphoma in August 2010 but is now in remission after chemotherapy.
Tumors in her lungs shrank, a large abdominal mass stopped growing and a year after ending therapy her cancer was still in remission.
Earl Shorty's wife, Desire, was in remission from cancer before she moved into a trailer, and her health had been improving.
It is not the first charity challenge the 50-year-old, who has been in remission from breast cancer for three years, has completed.
And then there's what happens when you've gone through all the treatment and you're finally in remission, which should be good news.
Out of 123 patients, 22 were in remission at the end of the study after taking a larger dosage of the drug.
At the moment, Mr Mitchell's condition is in remission and he works full-time as a sales manager for a London photographic agency.
After having a tumor removed from his lung in May, it emerged he had more cancer, though it is now in remission.
Although he says he has beaten the disease, cancer experts usually monitor patients for several years before they declare them "in remission".
Remember, that Walt punched it because he learned he was in remission.
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Based on her scores in February from a widely used psychological test called the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, Guyton's mental illness is in remission.
Vallebuona, now retired from the NYPD, is grateful his cancer is in remission and a little unsure about whether any money will ever come through.
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His mother, Jackie, is in remission from breast cancer, he said.
His legal team say his mental condition has been in remission for about 20 years, while his secondary diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder had reduced.
You're finally in remission and you're finally feeling like yourself again.
In a study of 150 melanoma patients, 95% of those testing positive for melastatin stayed in remission for four years, versus half of those testing negative.
Five months later, on June 8, 2000, the couple received the most important news of their lives together: Angelil's cancer was in remission and Dion was pregnant.
Now in remission, the scientist has joined forces with her surgeon and other cancer specialists to search for the clinical proof that breast cancer can be "sniffed out".
Participants can be in remission or currently undergoing cancer treatment.