With Somalia in ruins the lure of piracy is unlikely to diminish anytime soon.
Because it was only two miles wide, by war's end it was largely in ruins.
The Texas coast bore the bulk of Ike's power, and areas lay in ruins Tuesday.
Some villages close to the epicentre in Lushan and Baoxing counties were left in ruins.
Insull, indicted for mail fraud, won acquittal but died with his reputation in ruins.
Two hours later, my hands cut and bruised, my e-tool in ruins, I stopped.
Of course, the auto industry, like much of the rest of Detroit, is in ruins.
FORBES: Detroit Betrayed: The Radical Wrecking Of An Iconic City
With her life in ruins, all she wants now is to be able to return to her homeland.
Germany, France, and Britain were devastated, their cities laid to waste, their industries in ruins, their universities boarded up.
Tucked in the shadow of a hulking mountain crisscrossed with dozens of footpaths, the school now is in ruins.
She succeeded, and went on to sing Mozart in a city in ruins and to an audience without bread.
Two years later, with their portfolios in ruins, investors are screaming for help.
Today Egypt is peaceful, its prices are comparatively cheap, but its tourist industry, like its pharaonic temples, is in ruins.
The seaside Hotel Saint George -- the center of high society Beirut in the 60's -- is still in ruins.
Left in ruins, the old brick exterior has metal walkways that ascend to a cupola with fine views over Guanabara Bay and downtown Rio.
"There was no business activity before, everything was in ruins, the locals were fed up, some were forced to flee, " he said.
Villages close to the epicentre in Lushan county were left in ruins.
The team's fabled batting line-up, stuffed with ageing legends, lay in ruins, mowed down by a bunch of terrific young Australian speedsters.
At the end of it all, his power-base in ruins, Mr Brown forswears future ambition and kisses the hand of Mr Blair.
"When I saw the building in ruins, I felt heartbroken, " Wei says.
Taxila was already in ruins when Marco Polo passed this way.
Daiki employees hid in a kitchen and bathroom as the tornado snatched the roof off and left much of the plant in ruins.
CNN: High winds, tornado trap Georgia residents, turn over cars
In climate science, by contrast, debunkers invite an onslaught by the entire global warming juggernaut that can leave their academic reputation in ruins.
FORBES: The Global Warming Establishment Needs More than Cosmetic Fixes
Many main roads are in ruins, bridges and dykes have collapsed and some of the country's most productive agricultural areas have become marshland.
What leaps to the eye most impressively is our planet in ruins decades after an alien invasion so destructive that it shattered the moon.
WSJ: Oblivion: Earth, Plot in Ruins | In the House | Film Reviews by Joe Morgenstern
But Gadhafi's regime now sits in ruins, leaving sub-Saharan Africa without a major investor who disbursed billions of dollars for roads, mosques and luxury hotels.
The titanic battle between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union's Red Army for the city at the end of World War II left the city in ruins.
Today there are only a few thousand Jews left in Poland to look after the country's 1, 400-or-so Jewish cemeteries, most of which are overgrown or in ruins.
Their town is in ruins, hundreds of business have been destroyed or damaged and it will take a long time to get over the huge loss of life.