• Despite allowing themselves the indulgence of wine-drinking, members of this group practised reasonable self-discipline in matters of diet, exercise and smoking.

    ECONOMIST: Alcohol and health

  • Self-discipline in terms of how you manage your life, your conduct, your body, those things and people around you becomes something you are conscious of.

    FORBES: Connect

  • But it differs from those of other hardworking black people I know only in the degree of success that Carson attained as a result, not in the measures of ambition, industriousness, discipline and self-respect his mother instilled in her children.

    CNN: Ben Carson, admirable man with a mistaken philosophy

  • It begins with parents who are instilling in their kids not only a love of learning, but also the self-confidence and especially the self-discipline and work ethics that are at the heart of success in school and success in life.

    WHITEHOUSE: Fixing No Child Left Behind

  • They originally looked for IQ and conscientiousness, the latter a measure of self-discipline known in the psych community as one of the Big Fiv e traits of human personalities.

    FORBES: Can An Hour-Long Aptitude Test Predict Startup Home Runs? Adeo Ressi Thinks So

  • We need citizens and parents to get involved, because nothing we do in school with make much of a difference unless we instill in our kids the self-confidence and the self-discipline and the work ethic that are at the heart of success not just in school but in life.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Education at TechBoston

  • The giving also reflects Mr. Alpert's belief in the importance of pairing talent with self-discipline to hone creativity.

    WSJ: Cultural Conversation: Herb Alpert

  • McCarthy tries to instill self-respect and discipline in his fighters.


  • This describes the common condition where people fail to act in pursuit of long-term goals due to a lack of self-discipline.

    FORBES: Savings: Start Early

  • Discipline and self-control are unsustainable because in most of our environments there are too many distractions, too many things other people want us to do, too many opportunities and temptations that draw us away from lives that reflect our true values and priorities.

    FORBES: How to Stay Focused on the Important Things

  • Meeting some of today's teenagers in the place where I spent my adolescence, I find myself admiring their self-discipline and generosity while regretting the apparent muting of youthful challenge and confrontation.

    BBC: Should we despair at the kids of today?

  • Situated in Berkshire, Great Britain, Horris Hill operated on Spartan principles of discipline and self-reliance: lights out at 9 p.m.

    FORBES: Restaurant Mogul Tony Cheng's Hong Kong: Table By Table

  • Supporters of self-regulation argue that the exchanges are uniquely positioned to discipline members and are, in any case, backstopped by the legal system and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

    FORBES: The NYSE's Enforcement Offensive

  • In other words, one way to think about personal accounts is as a mechanism for Congress to exert self-discipline.

    FORBES: Personal Accounts and the Savings Rate

  • Self-discipline and teamwork are at the heart of what makes our armed forces the best in the world - and are exactly what all young people need to succeed.

    BBC: Military in schools projects get ?2m boost

  • If people know what is best for them, but lack the self-discipline to choose it, some governments might also be tempted to nudge their citizens in the right direction.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

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