There had been an increase in the rates of return in Ireland "and to some extent in Spain" in the run-up to euro membership, thanks to structural reforms in those countries in the pre-euro period.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Bernard Connolly: Why the Euro Crisis Isn't Over
But Disneyland was the first example of really taking a brand that lived in film and, to some extent, in toys and blowing it out across all dimensions.
Perhaps it's a case of unity in adversity to some extent too - previous Lib Dem groups had the luxury of being in opposition at Westminster up until the May 2010 coalition deal.
"I know over the last couple of months there's been a lot of -- both in debates and newspaper stories, to some extent in television advertising -- there's been a lot of sniping and attacks from one Democratic presidential candidate to another, " he said.
Of course I suspect Nokia may have stuffed the channel to some extent in Asia, leveraging its deep distribution network in the region.
And I think there's no doubt the Chinese have come to the rescue to some extent in that they have provided a strong market.
The key to change lies to some extent in the regulatory power of the state but also in the choices, political and individual, we make.
In Greece, Portugal and to some extent Italy, the debt problems have largely spread in the other direction - from the government to the banks.
So essentially the taxpayers are on the hook to some extent in this takeover and may pay a price for some of Bear Stearns' bad debts.
OpenGamma must of course know what its clients are doing with the platform to some extent in order to be able to understand how to make the platform better.
FORBES: Open Source for Vertical Apps: Is Wall Street Ready?
The California Supreme Court has not done business any favors by, in my view, consistently eroding the 2004 reforms that were supposed to rein in this statute to some extent.
But we very much want to work with Mexico around their development agenda because the more they are able to generate industry and businesses in Mexico, to some extent that's probably going to be one of the best solutions for the immigration pressures that we've been seeing over the last decade or so.
He succeeded not because of his ideology but, to some extent, in spite of it.
Indeed, problems in Europe are, to some extent, part of a wider picture.
Rigoletto's biting humor is lost in the extravaganza, to some extent evaporating that plotline and the reason for the anger of the Duke's toadies.
While most unilateral U.S. combat operations will end at that time, Mr. Obama said American troops would still be in the fight, to some extent.
Sir Alex is a throwback, says Mr Szymanski, to the days when clubs controlled their players' destinies as they still do, to some extent, in American baseball.
Professor Scott suggests that to some extent, in terms of public grief, a dividing line can be drawn between the "more reserved" northern hemisphere and "more emotional" southern hemisphere.
While social care spending was, to some extent protected in the 2012 budget (from 136.22m in 2011 to 142.95m in 2012), minister Chris Robertshaw has warned about the need to streamline services.
Mr. MALLEY: Well, there certainly is a parallel in what triggered them, to some extent.
The exemption from the working time directive was negotiated by the Conservative government in 1993 and is used to some extent by other member states, for members of the medical profession for example, although the UK is the only country which has opted out of it altogether.
To some extent, government budgets in rich countries stabilise the economy automatically in booms and busts.
And he added that many councils would think about centralising services to some extent by concentrating investment in their bigger centres.
BBC: WLGA warns Wales council cuts 'will hit leisure centres'
Yet to some extent, bench play in the playoffs this season could be more of a factor than in the past.
Blinkx software "listens to" and "watches" the video, then inserts text overlay ads based on the spoken words and to some extent, the images in the clip.
"What has to be faced is that to some extent fair play, in the form of setting appropriate standards for incentives, is the enemy of transparency, " he says.
To some extent the national rise in home prices is due to both technology and preferences driving more people to want to live in high rent areas like the Northeast Corridor.
Besides vastly varying cultures and differences in policies, language will of course never cease to be a problem in Europe , and is one that some other economic areas do not have to deal with in that extent.
And it is those crown jewels that some accuse Tony Ridder of sullying in his recent quest for increased profitability, which is driven to some extent by the vulnerability created by the company's single-voting-class shareholder arrangement.
To some extent, the modest uptick in income and standards of living reflects the precipitous growth of the Texas-Mexico border.