This is the idea that Thatcher, or the Thacher Government, destroyed British industry in some manner.
FORBES: Margaret Thatcher Did Not Devastate Or Destroy British Industry.
You have to gain a franchise in some manner before you can play other teams.
Clearly, the scandals around LIBOR mean that it needs reforming in some manner.
Regulate in some manner the monopolistic part but not that which can quite happily be dealt with by the market.
FORBES: Which Should We Have: Public Utilities Or Regulated Private Monopolies?
Every time children have money deposited into their account perhaps parents can make the child give back in some manner.
Brazil has become one of the most entrepreneurial countries in the world, with one in four adults self-employed in some manner.
FORBES: Power Woman Dilma Rousseff: Brazil's Entrepreneur-In-Chief
At least, according to the Guardian, who seem to be rather het up about this, Amazon is dodging taxes in some manner.
Thanks to the Kyoto treaty on climate change, which came into effect in February, most rich countries regulate emissions of carbon dioxide in some manner.
If the loan is secured in some manner or such loans are only offered to the creditworthy then the default rate falls and thus so does the APR.
This might seem a little strange, that an entirely blameless and entirely legal corporation in California is responsible in some manner for a rise in the crime rate in New York City.
Now I was standing before a man who resembled my old reflection almost exactly but who had been changed in some manner, the way a lawn under a cloudy sky changes when the sun comes out.
He was not, however, the world's most notorious airline steward, but rather an anonymous African who somehow and in some manner that will probably remain forever unknown, tangled with a chimpanzee and came away with more than he bargained for.
Yes, with all the nonsense about homeopathic treatment for animals although most of them do stop short of having to bury a cow horn in the dung pile by moonlight (no, really, there is a wing of the movement which insists that this helps in some manner).
"We have known for some time that the cement used to secure the production casing and isolate the hydrocarbon zone at the bottom of the Macondo well must have failed in some manner, " the letter said, noting that BP used a "nitrogen foam cement" recommended and supplied by Halliburton.
No not, in some perverse manner, a method of bailing out the banks from their mistakes.
These switches are then connected together in some hierarchical manner to provide global communication across the data center floor.
No, this is nothing to do with the management of the firm by shifty little types who pass it on in some underhand manner.
After the crisis was it put the focus back on risk management strategy and investments that were liquid could be used in some other manner.
FORBES: INTERVIEW: Central Buying Gold Buying Likely To Continue - WGC Official
There really are good reasons why Diamond and Mirrlees say that we should not tax intermediate inputs if we can achieve the same aim in some other manner.
In the link from any one person to any one other it depends on the manner in which some people are connected to vast numbers of others.
FORBES: 19 Degrees Of Kevin Bacon: Just How Small Is The Web?
But did it upset Condo to have his paintings treated in a manner that some fine artists might consider defilement twice over?
Various foreign countries select their presidents in this manner, and some American states already have two-stage balloting in their primaries.
FORBES: Fixing National Elections: Will Tuesday's Voting Be Honest, or Marred By Fraud?
She still has certain problems with the manner in which some immigrants arrive, but she spoke with a much more tender heart about their situation.
They found some evidence that low concentrations of dopamine, a brain chemical, may respond to the sight and smell of food in an addictive manner for some obese people.
It was approved in a controversial manner that left some participants confused and upset.
Of course, the value of the index could have been quite different if just one or two executives responded in a different manner, or if some of the 100 who skipped the survey had actually responded.
The second issue is that if we continue to act in a socially uninformed and uninspired manner, some of our new social enterprises may suffer the same fate that took down so many e-businesses at the beginning of this century.