"I don't believe in death neither in flesh nor in spirit, " Marley once said.
The changes in attitude are due in large part to the dramatic improvement in spirit quality.
The figure in the APS report applies to a system similar in spirit to Carbon Engineering's.
Or perhaps my grandmother was there in spirit to defend what was rightfully ours.
Sarbanes-Oxley is part of the movement that is bringing back, in spirit, the equivalent of debtors' prison.
Proper procedures for consultation with the Congress will be followed, not only in letter but in spirit.
Founded by Marina Bulgari, yes that Bulgari, the jewelry designer has returned, at least in spirit.
As a writer, all I could hope to be, if nothing else, is honest and generous in spirit.
The unruly trail of Robert Frost is a climb that often leaves us bruised, cut, and tired in spirit.
The Colts, in fact, were closer in spirit to my father and family.
In fact, I cheer for him harder these days, and the (now frequent) 75s make me gloomier in spirit.
FORBES: Tiger Woods, Frank Deford and the Art of Hitting it Long and Straight
Mr Biti said Mrs Tsvangirai's death had served to "unite us in spirit".
"Saracens is and will remain emphatically English in spirit and character, " Griffiths said.
But in spirit they embody precisely what sets Macau apart from China's other freewheeling coastal cities: its bicultural heritage.
It was as close in spirit to Paris as to St Petersburg, and it made itself useful to both.
We are with you in spirit and in determination that our dreams for a better tomorrow will be realized.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Forum on American Latino Heritage
When he walked from the chamber with his head held high, all principled people walked with him in spirit.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Wales | Wales voters' panel: John Thorne's final verdict
With a brand name like Reebok backing them both in spirit and in finances, the sky is truly the limit.
FORBES: CrossFit's Relationship with Reebok Enhances Its Financial and Commercial Credibility
Eventually they gave up the hunt, if not in spirit then in actuality, because they did not know where else to look.
Conservative central bankers worry that it would still break the rule that bans direct purchases by the ECB, in spirit at least.
After all, these are people who are clearly entrepreneurial in spirit to have come here and risk all in the first place.
FORBES: The Pent Up Entrepreneurship That Immigration Reform Would Unleash
Indeed the IRS is applying Notice 2012-8 in spirit, as we are seeing a marked increase in applicants granted innocent spouse relief.
Poor people lifting themselves up in spirit, in body, and in wealth.
"There is something missing more or less in spirit, " said the Rev.
With perfect timing the man who had made the show possible would be present in spirit to check all was in order.
Born in 1887 near Manchester, he was a frugal, humble, humorous man, who was lonely in spirit rather than always solitary in fact.
She was, of her generation, the closest in spirit to those august figures, even if her initial strength was as a pianist, not a vocalist.
Where he does not physically appear, Bond is there in spirit.
But you can be entrepreneurial in spirit without being an entrepreneur.