In sync with the rise of modern, international-style hotels is a boom in chic international restaurants.
Beta is a measurement of how much an investment fluctuates in sync with the markets.
But Biden was very much in sync with mainstream economics in government, media and the academy.
Hargreaves is more in sync with Munster on the next move in the iPad market.
Over the last year, Cisco has tracked almost in sync with iShares Dow Jones US Technology (IYW).
Mr. McDougall said he chose Owl City because Mr. Young's sound felt very much in sync with videogames.
In short, Bush's approach is more in sync with today's high-tech, more-power-to-the-individual ethos.
By achieving volume without reference to 1950s couture, Mr. Maier was in sync with the trend without looking remotely trendy.
WSJ: In Milan, Lavish Looks Flaunt All That Glitters (and Slithers)
They buy them because they meet their needs, or because they are in sync with where they are emotionally and philosophically.
The speakers play sound effects and music in sync with the movement as well, signaling noises when balls drop into the pockets.
The market is never totally in sync with the present economic reality.
Asset allocation means dividing your portfolio into components that do not move completely in sync with one another to reduce total portfolio volatility.
According to the study, congressional GOPers seem to be completely in sync with their voters, but perhaps not with the public at large.
The 78-year-old star said she was now "in sync with an audience of senior citizens, and am making four pictures for them this year".
The reference device on hand was operating in sync with a variety of unnamed hardware, protected from view in a relatively large sealed box.
To look at the effects of blending these two investments together, MPT also entails knowing how much they move in sync with one another.
Keyworth said communication among departments and consolidation of help desk resources and information will bring help desk operations in sync with year 2000 projects.
Staying in sync with your peers is one thing, but it is quite another to lead your team when you add in the virtual element.
If the firm as a whole is in sync with customer capitalism and is totally focused on adding value for customer, there is no problem.
An offbeat but popular spot for the Volkswagen Jetta this year features a street where all movement is in sync with the music in a Jetta.
Before your put you heart on your sleeve, make sure the emotions you express are completely in sync with the messages you are trying to communicate.
This patent-pending feature makes it possible for the first time to stay in sync with specific people without having to sync every personal contact with cumbersome, third-party systems.
ENGADGET: RE/MAX real estate agents to carry Passbook business cards on their iPhones
And lastly, on Iran, again, I think we feel like we are in sync with the Russians as it relates to pursuing a diplomatic process through the P5-plus-1.
Which brings us back to the old question: are India's political parties - and in this case, the Congress - in sync with the growing aspirations of its people?
The general market place has stabilized this week, which is a bullish factor for the gold market, which has been trading in sync with the general raw commodity sector recently.
FORBES: A.M. Kitco Metals Roundup: Comex Gold Trades Near Steady as Recent Gains Consolidated
Barack Obama is indeed in sync with the public will, so much so that he has largely dismissed and devalued the rest of the system, specifically Congress and the courts.
People who are connected have many of the signs of openness I described in the first blog in this series, with the added layer of moving in sync with one another.
The new version of the site, now in limited beta, with official launch in sync with the concert, will include a Pandora-like offering that will allow people to create customer radio stations.
FORBES: Clear Channel Takes On Pandora With Revised I Heart Radio Site
If I have one quibble with the book, it is that McLeod may understate the risk that the firm as a whole may not be in sync with the noble sales purpose.