You gave me no figures in your question so I'll answer in the abstract.
Like many civilians, for me the military and military life exist in the abstract.
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Beyond that, QE and related policies were not created in the abstract but for certain specific historic reasons.
In the abstract, just about everyone favors the rapid development and deployment of new pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
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While indisputable in the abstract, this proposition is highly debatable in the context of the former Soviet bloc today.
You see, most Americans tend to dislike government spending in the abstract, but like the stuff that it buys.
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The Chavez regime has established a relationship with the people in the abstract.
Privacy is a residual value, hard to define or protect in the abstract.
The prime minister did not attack public spending in the abstract, or pledge to get the state off citizens' backs.
Most Republicans talk about pruning government in the abstract, but shrink from offering details that might offend one lobby or another.
Unfortunately in the real world of Washington politics, decisions are sometimes not made in the abstract, non-emotional world of numbers and calculations.
Usually, military operations are talked about in the abstract, as if they're lines on a chalkboard, or brightly glowing diagrams on a computer screen.
Our poll shows they have voter sentiment with them in the abstract, but holding those voters through the details of deficit reduction is another matter.
Epistemology sounds complicated, in the abstract, but what digital technology has enabled are platforms through which we can build mental models and play with them.
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Polls suggest that Californians are keen to restrict marriage in the abstract, but much less keen on taking rights away from people who already have them.
People are demanding more prosecutions because they believe that particular crimes took place, not because they believe that fraud, in the abstract, caused the entire crisis.
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In America, where voters are terrifically rude about Congress in the abstract, individual congressmen and senators still enjoy considerable fawning and swan about in cars with special number plates.
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That's far more important than trying to discover one's passion in the abstract, especially when there hasn't been a spare minute to think about any of this for years.
It is, but for the typical Call of Duty type of thing I think people are more concerned about in the abstract than when they see it up close.
There have been a couple of other posts here on Big Data, but mostly in the abstract sense, like the last one on photographing every move you make.
Alongside that, a colleague of mine, Jimmy Ivory, found that people tend to be more concerned about video games in the abstract than they are when they actually see games.
It will be interesting to see if all those in favor of smaller government and a balanced budget in the abstract will be willing to do what is necessary to achieve them.
General Musharraf is inching towards a destination that, in the abstract, appears acceptable: a power-sharing arrangement with Benazir Bhutto, a former prime minister who leads Pakistan's most popular political party from exile.
Much of this is fascinating in the abstract.
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And I know that sometimes all this squabbling in Washington seems very abstract, and in the abstract, people like the idea, there must be some spending we can cut, there must be some waste out there.
It may sound okay in the abstract, but it doesn't sound okay around the kitchen table in the homes of those families who would be affected by the job cuts, by the furloughs and the layoff notices that will come if the sequester kicks in.
And it highlights the role of colour in the Russian abstract painters of the early part of the century, including a delightful harbour scene by the relatively unknown female artist Olga Rozanova.