Last year the couple traveled with Al Gore to research climate change in the Antarctic.
We now have a cost-effective way to apply our methods to other poorly understood species in the Antarctic.
And, unlike Shackleton and his men, this crew hasn't already spent over 500 days abandoned in the Antarctic.
Greater protection for frozen wilderness in the Antarctic, timed to coincide with the centenary of Captain Scott's ill-fated expedition.
The snack was found in the hut at Cape Royds in the Antarctic where Shackleton was based during his Nimrod expedition.
BBC: Shackleton Antarctic expedition biscuit sells for ?1,250
One of the first wind chill measures, known as Siple-Passel, was based on observing how quickly bottles of water froze in the Antarctic wind.
During his time at the penguin rookery in the Antarctic, Mr Malkonen became increasingly fascinated with the activities of the 100, 000 or so chinstrap penguins.
But in the Antarctic there is just one - Scottnema lindsayae.
Another possible impact of climate change in the Antarctic is acidification.
The U.S., Australian and New Zealand research programs in the Antarctic "have existing agreements under which such assets may be shared as needed, " the statement said.
CNN: Rescue plane leaves Antarctica after picking up patient
The extent of sea ice in the Antarctic has been relatively stable in recent years (unlike in the Arctic), although this picture hides some fairly large regional variations.
The sanctuary is home to minke whales of the Southern Hemisphere, the only remaining population of great whales in the Antarctic still at a level close to their natural abundance.
Seven countries - the UK, Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand and Norway - have made territorial claims in the Antarctic, which have been put on hold by the Antarctic Treaty.
It is so bad in the Antarctic that ERA-40 rejects most of the surface obs (because they get little weight) and they don't begin to get accepted until the late 1970s.
Rather than a few hundred minkes, the fleet is this year aiming for the full 850 specified in the Japanese Whale Research Program under Special Permit in the Antarctic (Jarpa-2).
Visitors will also be able to see the Welsh flag Scott planted in the Antarctic ice on St David's Day 1911 on his doomed return journey, in recognition of Wales' unrivalled support.
BBC: Scott of Antarctic 'propaganda created Welsh obsession'
Japan argues the program is important to estimate the biological parameters which could be used for management, in particular natural mortality, and the elucidation of the role of whales in the Antarctic ecosystem.
Shackleton never lost a man in the Antarctic, despite being marooned there in 1915, because he understood his people, got them to make sacrifices for the common good, and earned their love and respect.
In the Antarctic, the new findings confirm the trend of other recent studies - that the West is losing mass to the oceans whereas the ice sheet in the East is either getting thicker or remaining stable.
On the 14-day Jewels of the Arctic cruise operated by Aurora Expeditions, for example, passengers on the Polar Pioneer had access to a naturalist, geologist, an assistant expedition leader and Miller, an expedition leader who has spent 14 seasons in the Arctic and 20 in the Antarctic.
The rest of the team will continue with their 2, 000-mile (3, 219km) trek as part of the "Coldest Journey" expedition as they aim to become the first people in history to cross the Antarctic in winter.
They argue that visits raise awareness, while the operators themselves have a vested interest in protecting the Antarctic's purity, since that's what their customers are paying to experience.
The scientists say that this is what happened in 2002 on the Antarctic peninsula when the Larsen B shelf collapsed spectacularly in just a month.
BBC: West Antarctic Ice Sheet warming twice earlier estimate
Competitors race from France and then around the world in the seas around the Antarctic.
Cryosat-2 will measure very precisely the rates of change of sea and land ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic.
The station was constructed in large part in South Africa and then shipped to the Antarctic in easy-to-assemble units.
The 15 men in the hut were now alone as the Antarctic winter set in.
Of these freshwater resources, about 24 million km3 or 70% is in the form of ice and permanent snow cover in mountainous regions, the Antarctic and Arctic regions.
The lake's location in the heart of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet makes it one of the most inhospitable environments on the planet.
Satellite images have revealed that three massive icebergs have been calved from the Ronne Ice Shelf in the Weddell Sea on the Antarctic coast.