First grade teachers gathered in the cafeteria to welcome their students into the fold.
She also spent lots of time out on the sidewalk smoking, and in the cafeteria.
New ideas spring up through chance encounters in the cafeteria line and impromptu office meetings.
All it took was setting up a collection bin in every teacher's room and a couple in the cafeteria.
The party takes place in the cafeteria of a church school building on the corner of Clouett and Pleasure streets.
But he should get to cut the line in the cafeteria when he returns to high school in the fall.
Yet he could also be charming and disarming - opening shareholder meetings with a prayer and eating his lunch in the cafeteria.
She said she has noticed some employees making it a point to sit in proximity to senior executives, including herself, in the cafeteria.
Danny Komertz, a 15-year-old who said he witnessed the shooting, in the cafeteria, told the Associated Press the gunman was known as an outcast.
Once, in middle school, he was surrounded in the cafeteria by classmates who taunted him for carrying his violin and suggested, mockingly, that he play it.
Kimble worked in the cafeteria of an elementary school one street over from the house and was a dedicated, caring employee, according to her supervisor there.
We competed so keenly that when the school stopped ranking us some industrious students set up a table in the cafeteria where classmates could report their grades.
That was clear when I gathered two moms and a dad in the cafeteria of the KIPP Believe College Prep School, a new charter school in New Orleans.
In the cafeteria there is a large sign posted prominently with the instructions to recognize if someone is choking and how to perform the Heimlich maneuver, should it be necessary.
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You could write an article about how Apple is serving a new kind of soup in the cafeteria and there would be thousands of people who would click on the headline.
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The Connecticut House last week passed a ban on junk food in schools, and in Kentucky, a new law will limit Pizza Hut in the cafeteria to just one day a week.
Right at the end of March, I sat down in the cafeteria at Seagate headquarters in Cupertino, California with CEO Steve Luczo to talk about the state of the disk drive industry.
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However, on a teacher's salary, I can only afford to bring in low-quality snacks to feed my students that come to school hungry, but what I bring in is better than what they get in the cafeteria.
Putting a gym in a major office center, monitoring the food served in the cafeteria, and building organized participation in community-based fitness programs such as the Fit- Friendly Campaign by AHA are not expensive or difficult to implement.
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And so working with university presidents to try to figure out, where can you cut costs -- of course, it may mean that the food in the cafeteria is a little worse and the gym is not as fancy.
When I was in college, I worked in the cafeteria and one of my jobs was exchanging and maintaining the syrup canisters and making sure that they were properly connected to the tubes which mixed them with carbonated water.
The eBay Green Team is an informal group that has worked on everything from eliminating Styrofoam cups in the cafeteria (a project my own team of environmentally active students is trying to accomplish at Yale SOM) to pushing for green buildings.
New GOP presidential front-runner Newt Gingrich has gotten into some hot water lately over his comment that child labor laws should be amended or even repealed to allow kids to earn money in school by cleaning bathrooms or working in the cafeteria.
While Ms. Tang and the rest of the lonely hearts club flock to the do-it-yourself furniture shop for its clean, homey environment, they pose something of a challenge for IKEA. They sit for hours in the cafeteria, leaving behind orange peels and egg shells they have picked off boiled eggs brought from home.
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At its sleek headquarters on the outskirts of Taipei, engineers serving different clients eat lunch together in the same cafeteria and gather after hours in the gym, but they rarely know the details of each others' work.
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"We don't have anything in the newsroom for you, but I could see if we could get you a waitressing job in the Times cafeteria, " said the personnel director.
Mr Edelson's father had regularly dined in the hotel's cafeteria in the 1940s and they were certain he must have been given the item by hotel staff.
We imitated it if there was something good on the menu in the school cafeteria.
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All the football games, marching bands, step shows, parties, fried catfish in the school cafeteria - what an experience.