This would all be in the charge of eurozone finance ministries, not the ECB.
The founder sold out of the company in 1996, leaving it in the charge of the top executives like Lau and Chan.
Formally, it is true, the control of inflation is now in the charge of the Bank of England, which since being made independent in May has raised interest rates by a percentage point.
This week, he announced that the part of the agency which permits oil and gas drilling and collects royalties will be separated from the part of the agency in charge of inspecting the safety of oil rigs and platforms and enforcing the law.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the Ongoing Response to the Deepwater BP Oil Spill | The White House
Lavish costumes are on display in the Dormitory of the Expeditionary Force, important Islamic relics are housed in the Sacred Safekeeping Rooms and fine examples of Ottoman calligraphy and portraiture are exhibited in the Quarters of Pages in Charge of the Sacred Safekeeping Rooms.
In 1996, Congress directed the Bureau of Land Management, the agency in charge of the Reserve, to sell off helium in order to recoup some of the costs associated with its purchase.
Jean Mazaurelle, the head of the World Bank in Mauritania and the man in charge of overseeing the debt-relief programme, blames bad management rather than lack of cash for many of the country's problems.
But a draw in the sense of a divided government, with one party in charge of the White House and another in charge of at least one chamber of Congress.
The search won't start in earnest unless the man in charge of the government's investigation, Attorney General Andi Muhammad Ghalib, gives the go-ahead.
The 17th was involved in the disastrous charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava in the Crimea in 1854.
In the end, it was sort of like putting the bartender in charge of the breathalyser.
Rabier admits to knowing little about football in Burkina Faso, but he does have considerable experience of coaching in France, having been in charge of the likes of Guingamp, Rouen and Laval.
At York Crown Court on 8 April, Kelly admitted one charge of perverting the course of justice in relation to the speeding offence, one charge of perverting the course of justice in relation to a parking fine and one charge of speeding.
In every election since the second world war, falling unemployment in the spring of election year has foretold victory for the party in charge of the White House.
The prime minister then held talks with the minister of economy, the minister in charge of the nuclear accident and the chief cabinet secretary, before making the announcement.
Menges, the co-founder of the Menges Hemispheric Security Project, is in charge of the weekly edition of CSP's Americas Report.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Implications of Cuba's leadership change
The issue has barely been an issue in the Polish media, and Naze, the official in charge of the investigation, has repeatedly cast doubt on the accusations.
The Chairman of the Oversight Subcommittee in charge of the IRS, Congressman Charles Boustany of Louisiana, just sent a very critical letter to Treasury Secretary Geithner, and these are some of his chief concerns.
FORBES: Legislators Oppose IRS Proposal To Make Banks Put Foreign Tax Law Above U.S. Law
Still, he landed on his feet after he left government, returning to his alma mater, Wheeling Jesuit University, and becoming a vice president of the school in 2005 and in charge of the Sponsored Programs Office.
The next day, Secretary of War Root directed that a court-martial be held in San Francisco and cabled the general in charge of the Philippines to transport to the West Coast Glenn and any witnesses who could be located.
Obama believed that hiring Larry Summers and Tim Geithner to rein in Wall Street was equivalent to FDR putting Joseph Kennedy, the swashbuckling scion of the Kennedy clan, in charge of the SEC in 1933.
One such may be Guillermo Ortiz, now the central bank governor, earlier finance minister, and in 1991-92 the man in charge of privatising the banks that later he bailed out.
According to the February 20, 2013 sworn deposition of the FAA inspector in charge of the cases against the mechanics and the airline, the inspector, Klaus Ploschnitznig, prepared a PowerPoint briefing on potential USAirways maintenance violations for an internal FAA management presentation January 20, 2010, shortly after the alleged violations were discovered.
FORBES: Documents Raise Questions Of FAA Impartiality In Airline Oversight
His influential committee was broadcast live across the UK for at least 6 solid hours - his forensic questioning getting under the skin not just of former bank chiefs like Sir Fred "the Shred" Goodwin, but a day later of the men currently in charge of the banks.
Morsi met with his security chief and top military officers to discuss pulling police out of Port Said and putting the military in charge of security in the streets on hopes of bringing calm, officials from the military and the president's office said.
He refused a red hat to Bishop Karl Lehmann, the head of the German Bishops Conference, who was put in charge of the German diocese of Mainz, traditionally a Cardinal's seat, as long ago as 1983.
In the meantime, though, the authority in charge of the area has organised several short-term events to whet the public's appetite for what's to come, with past events including a weekend of rock concerts in early December 2012 and an inaugural alternative cultural festival later that same month.
BBC: Cantonese opera pop-up whets Hong Kong��s appetite for art
The Bureau of Industry and Security is in charge of licensing the sale of five-axis machine tools for export.
Sources told CNN that Plame works in the CIA's Directorate of Operations -- the part of the agency in charge of spying -- and worked in the field for many years as an undercover officer.
For 12 years baseball commissioner Allan (Bud) Selig has been the walking definition of a conflict of interest--serving as both a team owner and the person in charge of the game.