In the circumstances, the choice of a soft-spoken, civilian lawyer seemed a palm of peace.
In the circumstances of 1974 with the stock market depressed, it made sense to leverage up.
That is because considered decisions are being made which are right in the circumstances locally.
In the circumstances many entrepreneurs would have gone public to raise money and lessen personal risk.
Chris Spendlove, the university's registrar, said the university had "done its best in the circumstances".
BBC: University of Lincoln urged to hurry on portable cabins
In the circumstances, confidence at Airbus might be expected to be at a low ebb.
ECONOMIST: An aviation giant faces difficulties on several fronts
Mr. Draghi said the persistent high level of excess reserves in the deposit facility is "inevitable" in the circumstances.
In the circumstances, he is probably happy to take his money and go.
"In the circumstances, I thought they would understand and was taken aback when the charge came through, " Mr James said.
BBC: Toys R Us parking firm G24 cancels heart patient's charge
In the circumstances it is hardly surprising that Samsung has been so successful in reverse engineering the Apple iPhone.
In the circumstances it was not surprising that colleges would struggle to provide continuing high quality teaching, the association said.
In the circumstances, you wonder whether the phrase wasn't a deliberate glance at the poor benighted crew of the Essex.
Lady Paton said that in the circumstances they had come to the view that the sentence imposed on McNeill was excessive.
She said the prime minister was doing a "pretty good job in the circumstances" and should be free to refresh his team.
In the circumstances the last thing any government in Europe will want is to be seen to displease the new American president.
"In the circumstances, a key fact underlying the confirmed charges has been established to be based upon a lie, " the lawyers said.
In the circumstances, Waqar did an incredible job keeping the team together.
What's the most effective thing I can do in the circumstances?
Hani's one requirement for cooperation with Ferris is that he never tell a lie -- which is a bit rich in the circumstances.
"In our humble opinion there was no need to add this charge, there are no changes in the circumstances, " Mr Mehta said.
These decisions have to made against a basic standard by looking at the individual circumstances and deciding what is fair in the circumstances.
In the circumstances, the only course left open to him would be to resign in exchange for getting the 1998 budget through parliament.
In the circumstances, it is hardly surprising that Mr Saakashvili's latest peace plan, offering Abkhazia unlimited autonomy, was dismissed as propaganda by the Abkhaz.
In the circumstances, I feel that an earlier response to your request is necessary, and the purpose of this letter is to provide that.
He then told Ms Hainey that in the circumstances, the second charge against her, of attempting to pervert the course of justice, was also quashed.
BBC: Declan Hainey death: Mum Kimberley cleared of all charges
Like you, I believed that these gestures were appropriate in the circumstances, and sufficient, and revisiting the position today, I believe that they remain so.
In the circumstances, this may count as a sort of improvement.
The book brims not only with the self-exculpation you might expect but also with a good deal of self-congratulation which, in the circumstances, you might not.
In the circumstances, then, it was perhaps not altogether unsurprising that vital security issues were compromised by the hosts' desperate-to-please commitment to the spirit of international friendship.
But in the circumstances in which the Tories find themselves, still 20 points behind in The Economist's latest poll of polls, unflashy good sense is not enough.