This should be possible by making seeds that increase the number of water droplets in the clouds.
When his head is not in the clouds, the author runs a magazine for dilettantes called the Idler.
If lessons are to be learned from Rio's tragedy, the place to look is not in the clouds.
Tycoons have long been famous for keeping their bodies, if not their heads, perpetually up in the clouds.
We'll float up in the clouds and we'll never see the end ...
The city feels like it has gravitas while remaining lofty in the clouds.
The data backbone that will make this possible will be in the clouds.
Thus, the folks at the center of the European debt crisis may also be seeing some clearing in the clouds.
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In 1942 a squadron of fighters and bombers en route from Maine to England got lost in the clouds and crashed in Greenland.
Timothy Loew, the executive director of the Massachusetts Digital Games Institute (MassDiGI), sees a silver lining in the clouds over Rhode Island.
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"I had my head in the clouds, was mad, neurotic and self-destructive, a very different character to the one you see today, " she said.
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Further, it allows your company to attract top talent from competitive organizations, proving once again that there may be a silver lining in the clouds.
From the depths of the ocean to somewhere way up in the clouds, Bioshock has given us a new wonky city to explore, Columbia.
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On a clear day you can see 80 miles and five states and on an overcast one you are floating in the clouds, detached from the world below.
"Go up in the clouds because the view's a little nicer up here, my dear, " sang Bryan Cranston and Rachel Bilson, Ashley Tisdale and Colbie Caillat.
Extell is betting that other buyers are willing to pay many millions more than previously thought for a chance to live in the clouds above Central Park.
If all else fails, you can try and find symbols in the clouds, the subject of a new book edited by Pretor-Pinney - Clouds That Look Like Things.
He's even been enlisted to portray Reinhardt in the feature film Head in the Clouds, and Jorgenson recently released another CD of Gypsy tunes, Ultraspontane, on his own J2 Records.
"When it looks like the sun isn't going to shine anymore, God put a rainbow in the clouds, " sung the 74-year-old, hosted onto the stage by Rastafarian poet Benjamin Zephaniah.
But the break in the clouds was purely temporary.
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I'm still typing my resume, but instead of my resume being saved on the computer under my desk, it's being saved somewhere out there in the clouds, some place I don't even know off.
In China, they use artillery shells, rockets and airplanes to spray existing cloud systems with silver iodide, a compound that triggers moisture in the clouds to form ice crystals, which then fall to earth as snow or rain.
Goux at his window, watching clouds float through the sky over Paris and comparing them unfavorably with certain clouds in paintings by Pissarro or the clouds in his nightmare.
It figured that out in the 1930s as storm clouds were gathering in the Pacific, correctly anticipating that America might need to conduct an island-hopping campaign against entrenched Japanese forces.
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A. Points can always find a ray of light in the darkest clouds.