De Castries said there were "flaws" in the construction of the euro which have created the cracks.
Similar challenges have resulted in the construction of town baseball and soccer fields, tennis courts and a park.
This year's target represents a 70% increase in the construction of social housing compared with 2010 (see chart).
Downside Protection is also an essential element in the construction of a portfolio designed to withstand Black Swan events.
The party also plans a big increase in the construction of government-subsidised housing.
The possibility of the conscious involvement of German companies in the construction of a warfare agents plant was excluded.
Construction company Wilmott Dixon has reached the highest point in the construction of the Bristol Technology and Engineering Academy in the city.
Actions of the work groups will also fall under the concept of "citizens as generators of content in the construction of news".
The work has already resulted in the construction of a demonstrator rocket.
My heart goes out to the families of the men who lost their lives in the construction of the new stadium in Milwaukee.
But would they have wanted help in the construction of that product from someone with a strong incentive to see to see it fail?
The two superpowers are competing over a valuable new resource -- the rare earth elements used in the construction of nearly all smartphones, tablets and other electronic gadgets.
The debts incurred in the construction of the stadium mean that events need to be staged at Wembley on a regular basis to ensure a steady stream of income.
The city of Berlin and the state of Brandenburg are the main parties involved in the construction of the airport, with the German federal government also footing part of the bill.
After showing some largesse in the construction of stadiums for the Confederations Cup, FIFA's Secretary General has insisted that delays will not be tolerated when it comes to the World Cup itself.
During the election he failed to make many election promises - other than to govern by certain principles - "probity, good work and involvement of the youth in the construction of Senegal".
The fundamental role of bottom currents in the construction of continental margins has now been well documented and the sediments deposited or significantly affected by these bottom currents are known as contourites.
The homebuilding industry shrank again, but at a slower rate than in previous quarters, and the dampening effect on the economy was partly offset by a big increase in the construction of commercial buildings.
Families are close, but there's little work, so many people spend as long as two years away from home in the sweatshops of big Asian cities or in the construction sites of the Persian Gulf.
But more than just a scientific curiosity, the asteroid resources deposited on the Moon over the past 4 billion years represent an opportunity to harvest those resources in the construction of lunar bases for the benefit and protection of Earth.
FORBES: The Moon is a Natural Platform for Asteroid Mining, Detection and Deflection
The shale gas boom has already resulted in the construction of dozens of new extraction and production facilities in energy and chemicals, creating tens of thousands of jobs, with potentially hundreds of thousands of more to come in energy and related industries.
In all, 1.1m tonnes of earth and rock were excavated in the construction of the 2010 course, flattening out the harsh gradients of the back nine, and using the aggregate to raise the opening holes above the level of the Usk's flood plain.
Interestingly, while staff from the Commerce Department have been involved extensively in the construction of the American Trade Consortium umbrella agreement, the U.S. national security community has been totally excluded from its review -- despite the obvious potential implications for U.S. foreign and defense interests that might arise from such an undertaking.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: US-Soviet Joint Ventures: The Camel's Nose Under The Tent
There have been severe delays in all 12 cities chosen to stage matches, particularly in the construction of stadiums and upgrading of airports, most of which were built before the end of World War II and have reached saturation point in terms of the volume of passengers flying to and from the country.
FORBES: Could Brazil Lose The Rights To Host The 2014 FIFA World Cup?
But as Jack Lew said in his op-ed, and as the President and Jack have talked about in the construction of the budget, we have reached a point where we have to do something about what we take in and what we spend and the great divergence in those two numbers, and that this process is not going to be an easy one.
This could be possible as there is tremendous potential for economies of scale, both in terms of mass production, which reduces the cost of each turbine, and in terms of the construction and management of vast wind farms offshore where there are few limits on available acreages.
Congress should grant the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) the power to regulate construction of the grid in the same way it does the construction of pipelines.
However, before starting the works, the giant oil company must complete a long bidding process to select who will be in charge of the construction of projects.
But the moves - which include closing a key air base and replacing it with a new base in the north of the island - are stalled amid entrenched opposition in Okinawa to the construction of the new base.
Work has already begun to clean contaminated land east of the motorway in preparation for the construction of new homes and commercial units.