On Saturday, muddy floodwaters stood several feet deep in the countryside surrounding the metro area.
Ex-poet laureate Sir Andrew Motion said "townies in the countryside" were "gutting" rural communities.
One thing that is certain is that people in the countryside will be watching closely.
Print titles have little influence in the countryside because of high levels of illiteracy.
Tourism and agriculture have always counted for more in the countryside and on the coasts.
But critics said the money would have been better spent boosting broadband in the countryside.
The LDP is strong in the countryside, while New Komeito is powerful in many urban districts.
In cities, daughters are much less likely to move in with parents-in-law than in the countryside.
These policies should reduce the chances of a backlash by Mr Thaksin's supporters in the countryside.
PPS21 replaced PPS14, which effectively banned the building of domestic dwellings in the countryside.
But there has never been conclusive proof there are big cats roaming wild in the countryside.
In the countryside people can collect their pension whether or not they continue working.
ECONOMIST: China is beginning to face up to its pension problems
People living in the countryside had the lowest levels of activity in their amygdalas.
In Indonesia and Pakistan national electoral success depends on getting out the vote in the countryside.
It is more prevalent among people born in cities than those born in the countryside.
There are so many like this in the countryside of Pakistan, usually with armed guards standing outside.
Fellow Tory MP Nicholas Soames predicted a ban would leave "deep and abiding resentment" in the countryside.
It is also about the same as last year's increase in the government's spending in the countryside.
He was making a statement on Planning Policy Statement 21 (PPS21) - "Sustainable Development in the Countryside".
On her tours in the countryside, she noticed that many children didn't go to school at all.
Yes it is lovely to live in the countryside, but there is no public transport at all.
Most of these suspects live not in Pyongyang or even in lesser cities, but in the countryside.
In the countryside local governments pay a basic pension which varies greatly depending on their financial health.
In the meantime, the young Rosa and her brother Mario hid in the countryside with their Italian aunt.
Few employees are loyal, and few want to work in the countryside, even if they were born there.
Chinese officials say a major outbreak in the countryside, where medical facilities are inadequate, is their biggest fear.
Other families, particularly in the countryside, cannot afford to look after their children, who are sent to relations.
ECONOMIST: The street children are the symptom of a bigger problem
"It can provide jobs and important new opportunities for farmers and others in the countryside, " he told reporters.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Ministers bullish on biomass fuel
This encouraged more people in the cities to obtain mobile phones to talk to relatives in the countryside.
Over the past year real incomes have risen by 10% in urban areas and 14% in the countryside.