• Roosevelt's hard- won belief in the benefits of what we would now call "holistic treatment" governed Warm Springs, and his jaunty spirit was everywhere especially strong, Shreve recalls, in the dining hall, where a chair at the head table was always left vacant.

    NPR: True Stories to Dive Into This Summer

  • On warm days, eat on the covered patio at Vinodol, and in winter, in the vaulted dining hall.

    BBC: Mini guide to Zagreb, Croatia

  • Then the porter and his children carried every piece of furniture that was in the reception hall into the dining room.

    NEWYORKER: Naima

  • Previously visitors to the novelist's former home at Max Gate in Dorchester could only see the hall, dining room, drawing room and garden.

    BBC: Thomas Hardy's study at Max Gate in Dorchester opens

  • Sitting in penny loafers and a gray suit in the Bowery Mission's dank dining hall, with its crumbling linoleum and dim fluorescent lights, Morgan looks a little out of place.

    FORBES: Corporate Communion

  • There food service led to child care and later to uniforms, and the latest 15-year contract renewal will see the unveiling of a new-look dining hall in 2004.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It can accommodate up to 17 guests in beach cottages and jungle villas, and the main lodge has a dining hall, lounge, master suite, infinity pool and pier.

    BBC: Openings: New York, London, Santa Barbara, Philippines

  • Others huddled in the "Cathederal, " a spacious tent that serves as the main dining and social hall.

    CNN: Mars 'colonists' undaunted by bad luck, punishing weather

  • During her five-day cruise, a water line broke in the hallway ceiling near her cabin, and a separate sewer line broke outside the main dining hall, she said.

    NPR: Carnival Cancels 12 More Cruises On Troubled Ship

  • With its hanging Edison bulbs, 1960s plywood school chairs, custom light fixtures made out of milk crates and bottles, and reclaimed wood tables from a 1930s distillery, this gourmet dining hall is hoping to help revitalize the historic Broadway corridor by drawing in the hungry hipsters.

    BBC: In LA, five eateries, one stop

  • Many Muslims and Jews at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts have been breaking bread at a unique college dining hall that opened two days after the September 11 terrorist attacks.

    CNN: Recovery: Victims identified through DNA

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