And I knew at the same time that in the end, at the last minute, Nunu would in fact lock away the silver, and that later still, once the silver was forgotten, when we discussed the whole thing, the thing that could not be hidden, Nunu would be somewhere nearby with her keys, in her best black dress, with her wrinkles, with her silent, observant caution.
The survey, which was not nationally representative, was carried out online among people in the UK at the end of last month.
The cows also caused consternation by leaving cowpats on garden paths and trampling over lawns in the incident at the end of last week.
But the most important bit of congressional business concerns the economy, especially the proposed economic-stimulus package that collapsed in the Senate at the end of last year.
The Office for Budgetary Responsibility cut its growth forecast for 2011 from 2.1% to 1.7% due to higher inflation and the surprise contraction in the economy at the end of last year.
The Ballyclare lad took part in a test session on a standard Honda Fireblade in Qatar at the end of last year and then was second fastest behind Australian Brock Parkes in a three-day test at Phillip Island, Australia, in January.
But the first suicide attacks in Mali's history in Gao at the end of last week, followed by fierce fighting in the northern town have led to fears it may be a long battle to bring security to the vast desert region.
Of the 65, 000 children in care in England at the end of March last year, about 50, 000 were white.
The issue first emerged in Edinburgh at the end of last year and Dame Elish Angiolini has been tasked with investigating practices at the city's Mortonhall Crematorium.
Lawes was a key member of England's Under-20 team that finished second in the 2009 Junior World Championship and earned promotion to the Saxons before Martin Johnson picked him in the senior squad at the end of last year.
Heavy flooding which caused mudslides in Venezuela at the end of last year left at least 30, 000 people dead.
Radio 1 saw its weekly listening figures fall by more than one million over the last year - with 9.4 million listeners tuning in at the end of last year, against 10.5 million in 2002.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Wogan show boost for BBC Radio 2
The selection process in 2009 began at the end of last season when Rick invited emails from interested clubs.
It went on sale in the United States at the end of last year and will be rolled out in other European countries in the coming months.
Legislation to stimulate the economy was caught in a partisan stalemate in the Senate at the end of last year.
In local elections held at the end of last month in 14 of Iraq's 18 provinces (but not in the three Kurdish ones or Kirkuk), Kurdish parties lost ground in the mixed provinces of Nineveh and Diyala to Sunni Arab parties, which had previously boycotted the polls.
The Islanders had lost 13 straight games in Pittsburgh before breaking through at the end of last season and backing it up with a win in Pittsburgh six weeks ago.
Lennon is the man Celtic want in the dugout for the next campaign after the 38-year-old's interim period in charge at the tail end of last season.
He did the same in the first hours of his presidency at the end of last year.
The inquiry is linked to the suspected attempted car bombings in central London and Glasgow at the end of last month.
Paris topped his only previous World Cup win -- a dead heat tie for first with Hannes Reichelt in Bormio at the end of last year -- with a time of one minute 57.56 seconds.
He gave the defender his Albion debut in 2001, had him on loan at Coventry in 2006 and on loan again at Colchester at the end of last season.
When the North Sea formed at the end of the last ice age, the tusks became buried in the thin layers of sand at the bottom of the shallow southern part of it.
BBC: Tim Batty, curator of the Dinosaur Museum, with the tusks
Plans to reform the fire service in England and Wales were at the centre of a government white paper unveiled by John Prescott in the wake of the firefighters' strikes at the end of last year.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Kent | Firefighters could 'ignore' calls
The report said that the total backlog of unresolved or disputed immigration cases in the UK was 312, 726 at the end of September last year - but it was not possible to be sure if that figure was accurate.
And secondly, if you could just -- just to follow up on the Congress issue, everybody in this White House was saying at the end of last year that this was the one thing, or one of two things, that would have bipartisan support and that everybody was going to be able to move forward together on.
The 74-year-old archbishop made the request in January, after suffering a stroke at the end of last year.
Citizens United was argued near the end of the term, in late March. (The last arguments are usually at the end of April, and the decisions are released by the end of June.) So there was not a lot of time for the Justices to reach a consensus.
The first polling data to illustrate a dent in the "feel good" factor, came at the end of last year.