We have decided to give a fresh impetus to collaboration in the fields of education, agriculture, and health.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Conference
Pockets of the job market continue to show growth, especially in the fields of education and health services.
The Prime Minister agreed and drew attention to cooperation already underway, including most recently with Myanmar in the fields of education and healthcare.
The UIS is the statistical office of UNESCO and the UN depositary for internationally comparable statistics in the fields of education, science and technology, culture and communication.
In the fields of education, the sciences, culture, and communication and information, we are helping to lay the foundations that are necessary today for state-building and for a more peaceful, prosperous and sustainable future.
The UK National Commission for UNESCO is seeking to appoint two Non-Executive Directors to its Board with a range of relevant expertise and experience in the fields of education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, and communication, and experience of working with not for profit organisations.
States have an obligation to create and maintain adequate measures at the national level, in particular in the fields of education, health and social support, for the promotion and protection of the rights of persons in vulnerable sectors of their populations and to ensure the participation of those among them who are interested in finding a solution to their own problems.
The training workshops will be led by a select group of experts, with the aim of providing a solid grounding in the tools, techniques, and methods used in the different fields of education assessment and measuring, allowing participants to optimize and enhance their knowledge, and providing them with a concrete learning experience.
UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
He is the author of Interculturalism, Education and Inclusion (Paul Chapman, 2000) and co-editor of Intercultural Social Policy in Europe (Ashgate, 2000) and has published extensively in the fields of human rights and education in multicultural studies.
Manage the multidisciplinary programme by providing intellectual, strategic and operational leadership and expertise in planning and implementing activities responding to the priorityneeds of the host country in hall UNESCO's fields of competence (education, sciences, culture and communication).
In appointing the Deputy Director for Demand Reduction under this paragraph, the President shall take into consideration the scientific, educational or professional background of the individual, and whether the individual has experience in the fields of substance abuse prevention, education, or treatment.
The talks also touch on bilateral relations in the fields of the economy, culture, science, agriculture, education and health.
Dale Hourigan and the mayors of Bridgeport and Hartford participated, along with other experts in the fields of mental health, law enforcement and education.
In this context, she recalled that Iraq made voluntary contributions to UNESCO amounting to over USD 4 million in the first six months of 2012 alone, notably through self-benefiting projects in the field of cultural heritage preservation, and emphasized that such cooperation would be expanded to the fields of education and sciences.
Advanced university degree in the field of education or related fields.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (Education) (29/6/2011) (AF/RP/ZIM/ED/0008 - (P4) )
Two-year degrees, of which an associate degree is the most common, provide training and education for a variety of fields in approximately half the time as a bachelor's degree.
The Youth Delegates will also have the opportunity to exchange ideas with Young Professionals of the UNESCO Science Sector specializing in the fields of water, biodiversity, ecology, earth sciences, science education, disaster risk reduction, and science policy.
Peace Corps staff overseas have been working with Volunteers on a variety of projects in the fields of agriculture, business and information technology, education, environment, and public health.
WHITEHOUSE: Commemorating 50 Years of Peace and Friendship Through Service | The White House
Even those who remained in the fields due to lack of language skills, little education or other barriers still benefited, because they were able to claim unemployment insurance and other benefits when farm work dried up for the season.
During a meeting with Ministers working in the fields of competence of UNESCO, the Minister of Secondary Education and Chairman of the National Commission welcomed the efforts made by the Director-General to advance the global priorities of the Organization - Africa and gender equality.
From a practical perspective, a degree in most fields other than education offers more earning potential while still retaining the option of pursuing a teaching career without any detrimental effects.
By working in education technology (or one of the myriad other social tech fields).
If the sequester is allowed to go forward, thousands of Americans who work in fields like national security, education or clean energy are likely to be laid off.
In fact, Betteridge says, Middle Eastern women are more likely to earn the support of their families and their peers for pursuing employment in fields that carry prestige and require an education.
On Tuesday, it was revealed that Education Secretary Michael Gove has approved the sale of more than 20 school sports fields in the past two years.
The minister was announcing the creation of "Sure Start Children's Centres", which will provide assistance in several different overlapping fields - including education, health, childcare and employment.
Today, the system is used in therapy and education, and can have a strong spiritual dimension -- but one of the first and major fields of use is business, where it has been adapted as a way of bringing insight into oneself and others.
The Workshop, which will be taught by professionals in the fields of communication, audiovisual and gender, will train approximately twenty professors and teachers and will raise awareness among professionals of education with regards to the relationship between audiovisual, the impact of HIV and AIDS and gender-based-violence.