The anticipation of cooling off in the ocean kept my feet moving in the crippling heat, but the first sight of water temporarily stopped me in my tracks.
And I talked about the, you know, the experience of sort of going out in the woods and at first being afraid to leave sight of the buildings and people and later on it became being afraid to come back to the sight of buildings and people.
Durban: To someone based in Europe, the demands, at first sight, seem both unconscionable and completely unrealistic.
Rangers were seldom seen as an attacking threat and their only sight of goal in the first half came when Sebo turned nicely on a Brahim Hemdani pass only to shoot tamely at Artur Boruc.
The question seems particularly acute seeing that, at first sight, there seems to be very little in the exclusive-contracts issue for Airbus: none of these airlines (which themselves sought the exclusive deals with Boeing) has shown much interest in buying Airbus aircraft.
Many of the problems in both South Korean politics and the economy appear deeper and more entrenched than at first sight.
In the carefree 1960s, two Amsterdam students, Kata and Stefan, fall in love at first sight.
"For the first time in almost a week, I woke up this morning to the most beautiful sight ... my sweet boy, " she said.
"For the first time in almost a week, I woke up this morning to the most beautiful sight... my sweet boy, " Betty Jean Ransbottom said.
The writer and philosopher said the cliffs were the first sight of the British mainland seen by his Italian immigrant father who came to the country in the 1960s.
Second the credit crunch had started to hit home and for the first time in more than a hundred years, there had been a run on a British bank with the extraordinary sight of queues of savers lining up outside branches of Northern Rock to extract their cash.
For good measure, there is also our first sight of Brando in broad daylight, mocking the imprisoned Martin Sheen.
The procedure has been hailed as the first step in humans of efforts to be able to restore sight in blind people.
He later set his sight on Hollywood, and in 1969 became the first African- American to produce and direct a picture for a major Hollywood studio, Warner Brothers.
But even as we dig our way out of this deep hole, it's important that we not lose sight of what led us into this mess in the first place.
As they arrive in Zermatt, visitors give whoops of joy at their first sight of the Matterhorn (4, 478 metres).
Hence the two have more in common in detail and practice than would appear at first sight.
This has been checked for the first 100 billion zeros, but no proof appears to be in sight.
And you do share his wonder at first catching sight of the ship, now half-buried in silt and shrouded in rusticles.
The irony, which seems to have been lost on Washington, is that an artificially low cost of capital (created by lenders who lost sight of risk management) got us into this mess in the first place, and now we're considering returning to easy money to get us out of it.
The public finances, too, are in less spanking order than they appear at first sight.
At first sight this seems strange, since the venture-capital industry in Britain is second only to America's in scale.
ECONOMIST: The fund may be new but the idea is surprisingly old
They spent their first ten days in the water around the island, mating and getting accustomed to the sight of land.
Peyrelongue attempted to reply in kind with an untidy effort that at first sight seemed to have dipped just under the crossbar.
But as we memorialize their extraordinary acts in statues and stone, let us not lose sight of the enduring truth that they were citizens first.
At first sight, a photo of emaciated children in developing countries alongside obese people in the West might seem like an apt way to illustrate the massive gap between the rich and the poor.
And as someone that has personally been in Vegas during the first few days of March Madness, I can tell you that it is truly a sight to behold.
FORBES: March's Monetary Madness as NCAA's Collegiate Basketball Showcase Takes Center Stage
Liverpool (CNN) -- UK police and emergency services were heavily criticized Wednesday for their handling of a tragedy at a soccer ground in 1989 in which 96 people died, after an independent panel for the first time reviewed thousands of documents previously kept out of public sight.