The bones, discovered in the Gobi Desert, were smuggled into the US from the UK in March 2010.
The Long March vehicle lifted clear from the Jiuquan spaceport in the Gobi Desert at 21:16 local time (13:16 GMT).
Nathan Myhrvold and Jack Horner had branched out from Montana, and at the end of the summer were going to Mongolia, to hunt in the Gobi desert.
State media say the lift-off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in the Gobi Desert is likely to occur between 21:16 and 21:31 local time (13:16-13:31 GMT).
To orchestrate his 1993 Project to Extend the Great Wall of China by 10, 000 Meters, for example, he and some assistants suspended approximately six miles of fuse in the Gobi desert, beginning where the Great Wall ended.
They even planted trees to cut dust that flows in from the Gobi Desert, but today, today was one of the worst days we've seen in the week we've been here.
T. bataar, as it is known, was a Tyrannosaurus rex cousin that lived some seventy million years ago, in what is now the Gobi Desert of southern Mongolia.
On June 5, 2012, at the request of the President of Mongolia, several paleontologists specializing in Tyrannosaurus Bataars examined Lenny and concluded that he was unearthed from the western Gobi Desert in Mongolia between 1995 and 2005.
In the following months, investigations by U.S. authorities and paleontologists determined the skeleton was from the western Gobi Desert in Mongolia, uncovered between 1995 and 2005.
Using a fleet of automobiles supported by a camel caravan, he would lead an expedition to the Gobi desert in an attempt to reconstruct the entire natural history of the Central Asian plateau.
The 3m-long skeleton, found on an expedition to China's Gobi desert, is described in the journal Science.
And Lee took cast and crew to the Gobi Desert to film the scenes where Jen and the uncouth Lo meet and fall in love.