Johnson's father, who co-owns the Los Angeles Dodgers, retired from the NBA in November 1991 after announcing he had HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. His wife, Cookie, was pregnant with E.
The team's approach, which IAVI Vice President Wayne Koff calls very promising, makes use of a three-step process to teach the immune system to keep the HIV virus in check.
Tracking the spread of the HIV virus, the author finds familiar patterns in different countries.
But there's precedent for such an approach, since the antiretroviral drugs that now control HIV infections are used in combination to hit the virus at more than one point in its life cycle.
Patients on antiretroviral medication are less infectious because the drugs sharply suppress the amount of HIV in the body, meaning people on treatment have less virus to transmit.
WSJ: AIDS Study Marks Prevention Breakthrough With Antiretroviral Drugs
The hope was that exposure to the genes would prompt an immune response in the body so that cells containing HIV virus would be recognised and destroyed.
Researchers claimed a breakthrough in preventing the spread of HIV , the virus that causes AIDS, when the results of a study using an experimental vaccine on 16, 000 volunteers in Thailand showed the risk of infection had been cut by 31%.
The most prolific and deadly zoonotic is HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. In 1999, scientists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham traced the origins of HIV back to a subspecies of chimpanzee.
Only a small proportion of sexual encounters between couples where one person has HIV result in transmission of the virus, and we have known for more than a decade that antiviral medicines, when given within days of exposure, can prevent infection from taking hold.
Sobering because of the challenges that remain in addressing the epidemic, including confronting the myths about HIV transmission and the virus itself.
In 1997, before he was charged, authorities in the western New York city of Jamestown took the unusual step of announcing publicly that Williams was HIV positive in an effort to stem further spread of the virus by Williams' partners to others.
One small company in Seattle, Koronis Pharmaceuticals, has even attempted to eradicate HIV by causing the virus to mutate itself out of existence (as researched in a recent Stage IIa trial).
FORBES: Progress in Drug Therapy Marks the 25th Anniversary of World AIDS Day
It targets a strain of the HIV virus that is predominant only in Europe and Asia.
The Health Protection Agency (HPA) said its figures suggested about 100, 000 people in the UK were currently living with HIV, but about a quarter of them did not know they had the virus, which untreated can lead to the development of Aids.
BBC: World Aids Day: David Cameron calls for greater awareness
These reservoirs have been the key stumbling block to a cure because even though AIDS drugs stop HIV from replicating, the virus lurks in the reservoirs, ready to come surging back when treatment is stopped.
Just as the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, does in people, FIV works by wiping out infection-fighting T-cells.
Mayo Clinic vaccine researcher Gregory Poland counts more than a dozen new diseases that have emerged in the last few decades: HIV, Lyme disease, West Nile virus, avian influenza.
Inhibitors can prevent HIV from entering cells or block steps in the replication of the virus.
The six medics were arrested in Benghazi in February 1999 and eventually convicted in a Libyan court of knowingly infecting 438 children with HIV, the virus that causes Aids.
The HIV retrovirus, in particular, is a single-stranded RNA virus that duplicates itself in a host cell by converting its genetic code into double-stranded DNA that is then inserted into the host cell.
FORBES: Progress in Drug Therapy Marks the 25th Anniversary of World AIDS Day
This stands in contrast to AIDS where patients get cocktails of targeted pills that keep the HIV virus at bay for years.
FORBES: Why Aren't There AIDS-Style Cocktails for Hepatitis C?
Now comes Robert Gallo, codiscoverer of the HIV virus and director of the Institute of Human Virology in Baltimore, with a glimmer of hope.
There are currently 33, 200 people in the UK infected with HIV - a third of whom are unaware they have the virus.
In addition, they had high levels of HIV in their bodies, which means they are more likely to pass on the virus to their child.
Nearly three quarters of all HIV carriers and almost 90% of the children infected with the virus live in Sub-Saharan Africa.
In addition, these antibodies can bind to and destroy healthy cells as well as HIV-infected ones, making them a potentially useful but unpredictable partner in fighting the virus.
Seeing the innocuous virus, the immune system creates attack cells that should, in theory, fight off HIV.
Nature Medicine carried a report by Jean-Christophe Plantier of the University of Rouen and his colleagues of a new human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) detected in a Cameroonian woman.
However, the data suggests that one in four people with HIV are completely unaware of the infection, meaning they cannot receive treatment and may still be spreading the virus.