The consortium plan to employ a landlord in the hope of reopening in November after a refurbishment programme.
Hope in the face of difficulty, hope in the face of uncertainty, the audacity of hope.
Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab had come to Yemen in the hope of meeting the cleric.
Like many families they moved from the countryside to Dhaka in the hope of finding work.
Clarke hopes to sell the stores as a single unit in the hope of securing jobs.
Detectives have travelled to Cyprus and the Republic of Ireland in the hope of tracing her.
BBC: Hunt for missing Claudia Lawrence's 'mystery boyfriend'
In the hope of not losing my game altogether, I play when I can.
OFT, and another 40 admitted guilt in the hope of receiving a reduced sentence.
And the public sector is also becoming more social in the hope of becoming more efficient.
She clears them of hoarding land in the hope of windfall gains when house prices rise.
In the hope of finding something economic to make fun of more often in fact.
However, Mr Bush stayed three hours longer than planned in the hope of securing a deal.
Moreover, green-tax revenues are being recycled in the hope of yielding the double dividend.
Presidents and parliamentarians pick their church with care, in the hope of a holy endorsement.
Much of the rest has been grabbed in the hope of establishing de facto ownership eventually.
If Norway joins, Iceland too will reconsider membership, in the hope of extracting a deal on fishing.
Georgetown began fouling late in the hope of closing the gap even more, and the strategy worked.
Engineers will then reassess the rest of the block in the hope of salvaging parts of it.
Some newspaper groups have been buying up websites in the hope of recapturing some of this revenue.
But Europe is doing things backwards, creating the euro partly in the hope of fostering political union.
In the Ogaden, in south-east Ethiopia, people are crowding into camps in the hope of finding water.
The new owners appointed Luis Enrique, a former Barcelona reserve-team coach, in the hope of replicating its model.
Passengers emerge onto the decks, leaning over the rail in the hope of spotting a telltale dorsal fin.
Its answer: Combine Lipitor with a powerful new drug in the hope of getting an even bigger impact.
Many have gathered in the hope of seeing Francis and Benedict appear together at a window to wave.
Some scientists have suggested sinking dead whales off the Scottish coast in the hope of observing the creatures.
In the hope of winning over the Obama administration, Israel has kept the Iranian opposition at arm's length.
The group performed in Bolton on Saturday in the hope of attracting new dancers keen to join them.
The Tories, after all, suspended all cooperation with Europe in the hope of getting the beef ban lifted.
Meanwhile, the League Managers Association have offered to act as peacemakers in the hope of resolving the on-going row.
BBC: SPORT | Football | Premiership | Wenger steps up row with Ferguson