The carrier-based Prowler aircraft that jammed Taliban ground communications have their origins in the Korean War.
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The Americans' last big amphibious operation dates back to 1950, in the Korean war.
The only other job he ever worked was fighting for his country in the Korean War.
And thank you, Jim, for your service, wherever you are -- for your service in the Korean War.
Juan fought in World War II, and he fought in the Korean War.
The Chinese fought alongside the North Koreans in the Korean War and have propped up Pyongyang with economic aid ever since.
Historians have con-cluded that, despite the mistakes made in the Korean War, Truman's decision to go in was the right one.
He left after two years to become a Navy pilot, flying combat missions in the Korean War and winning three medals.
And Mr. Eason is a former Marine, served in the Korean War.
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Britain's involvement in the Korean war prompted Parliament's recall in September 1950 because of the extreme pressure that was being put on national finances.
At that time, and indeed ever since China's involvement in the Korean war, Americans disliked China even more than they disliked the Soviet Union.
In the Korean War as a young infantry officer, I nearly froze to death with my company holding our final protective line of fire.
It said, among much else, that Americans in the Korean war were more likely to have been killed by their own mines than the enemy's.
The Chinese dramatically have boosted trade with their neighbors and maintain close military relations some six decades after they fought side by side in the Korean War.
China's military today is so outdated that much of its equipment might well have seen action in the Korean War, and many of its troops are semiliterate.
The high school dropout enlisted in the Army and was awarded the Bronze Star for valor in the Korean War after he helped rescue 40 men trapped behind Chinese lines.
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He and other Chinese visitors were disappointed to find little public acknowledgement of China's role in the Korean war of 1950-53, when hundreds of thousands of Chinese died fighting the Americans.
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The only time he spent away from this plant was when he was serving our country in the Korean War. (Applause.) So three generations of Willie's family have passed through Detroit Diesel.
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Officials in Beijing do not want their former ally in the Korean war to continue as a dangerous rogue nation, giving America and Japan the excuse to beef up their military forces in the region.
When North Korea said on March 5 it intended to nullify the armistice agreement that brought conflict in the Korean War to an end in 1953 and threatened to attack Seoul, South Korea's military made a rare and forceful response.
Today, on the 59th anniversary of the Military Armistice Agreement signed at Panmunjom, we honor all who served in the Korean War, and we pay lasting tribute to the brave men and women who gave their lives for our Nation.
Greenberg fought in the Army in World War II, got a law degree at New York Law School (not to be confused with New York University School of Law) in 1950 and served in the Army again in the Korean War.
On Veterans Day 2010, speaking to servicemembers, their families, and American and Korean veterans who served in the Korean War from Yongsan Army Garrison in Seoul, South Korea, President Obama explained some of the ways his Administration is working to make sure veterans have the care and benefits they need when they return home.
Bryant Webber and colleagues analyzed autopsy reports and available health data from 3, 832 service members who died of combat or unintentional injuries in Afghanistan and Iraq and compared their findings to similar studies performed during the Korean and Vietnam wars. 8.5% of the newest group had evidence of coronary atherosclerosis, compared with 77% in the Korean War group and 45% in the Vietnam War group.
FORBES: Autopsy Studies Find Large And Dramatic Drop In Early Atherosclerosis Over 60 Years
Let statesmen today learn from the mistakes made in waging the Korean War.
Our Nation continues to recover the remains of fallen heroes we lost in the Vietnam War, the Korean War, World War II, and other conflicts.
It wants to bring together members of families separated by the division of the peninsula in 1953 after the Korean war.
North Korea doesn't claim either of Yeonpyeong or Baengnyeong islands, which are visible from the North Korean coast, but it does claim the sea area around both and wants the maritime border moved several miles south of the border drawn up by the United Nations in 1953 when the Korean War reached an armistice.
Soldiers fire a captured M2 60mm mortar, originally a weapon produced by the United States for use in World War II and the Korean War.