In the light of the crisis, anything less than a radical re-think would be negligent.
It then considered further representations made by his lawyers in the light of the document.
Mr Murphy said reductions in services were unavoidable in the light of the country's financial crisis.
The society cancelled next month's contest "in the light of the petition" saying it "understood the concerns".
BBC: 'Sexist' Cambridge University jelly wrestling cancelled
In the light of the revelations about Tory donor Lord Ashcroft's tax status, that raises some interesting possibilities.
In the light of the ongoing police investigation, he cannot say any more.
This means rethinking the rules of the early 20th century in light of the realities of the 21st century.
How do you see the principle of non-discrimination and non-stigmatization in the light of the recent global economic crisis?
It insists that it adjusts rates each month in the light of the economic news since its last meeting.
America's budget outlook is rather more uncertain, especially in the light of the Republicans' unexpected Senate victory in Massachusetts.
That now looks unlikely in the light of the FSA's cautious response and its insistence on staging a public consultation.
He railed against the Conservatives for focusing on Europe in the light of the profile of the UK Independence Party.
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Police are believed to be re-examining a number of other murder cases in the light of the discoveries at the house.
Dr McGuire outlined the undermining of confidence in the independence of the office in the light of its investigations into historic cases.
It is right that we re-look at any investment in this area in the light of the current debate between clinical groups.
In the light of the West's awful history of religious warfare, if nothing else, that is a hard won and admirable principle.
The 17th was involved in the disastrous charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava in the Crimea in 1854.
In a statement, Ecowas Commission President Kadre Desire Ouedraogo said the decision was made "in light of the urgency of the situation".
BBC: Hollande steps up France security over Mali and Somalia
The company's share price went up in the light of the announcement.
Considered in the light of the usual (mercantilist) terms for judging trade deals, the arguments in favour of the Chinese agreement look overwhelming.
ECONOMIST: Why is Congress so divided over whether to normalise trade?
Members of all parties in parliament agree that both need to change in the light of the explosion of digital and satellite media.
In Merida, Mayan priest Valerio Canche conducts an ancient ritual to honor the dead in light of the upcoming end of the 13th baktun.
British Airways says it is "reviewing" its plan to resume flights from London airports from 1800 GMT on Tuesday, in the light of the latest reports.
Mr Darling acknowledged that the powers outlined in the bill were tough but he argued they were necessary in the light of the threat of organised fraud.
In the light of the former Strangford MP's comments to Gareth Gordon I wondered whether history would have taken a different course if he had beaten David Trimble.
"In any event, the NASUWT estimates that at least 30, 000 extra teachers will be needed just to maintain existing staffing standards in the light of the increase in pupil numbers".
However, Ms Barton, said she was worried about what this will do to the town's reputation, especially in the light of the BNP's success in nearby Burnley earlier this year.
Mr Salmond emphasised further that there was "no room for complacency" within the Scottish body politic, especially in the light of the fact that Scotland's claimant count rose in August.
Published just a few months ago, the report concluded that the program funding and schedule estimates were overly optimistic in light of the complexity of the challenges facing the program.
WHITEHOUSE: Jacob J. Lew Testimony to House Science Committee, 08/06/1998 | The White House