But, as the helicopter was ascending, a mass of clouds moved in, and the Wachowskis and the camera crew found themselves lost in whiteness.
She said she called the RSPCA and the local newspaper to see if anyone had advertised in lost and found.
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There are also several pages specifically aimed to help those who have lost pets in the storm, such as "Hurricane Sandy lost and found pets, " which has more than 26, 000 likes.
Botha also said that police had left a 9 mm slug in the toilet and had lost track of allegedly illegal ammunition found in Pistorius' home.
In 2011 Greece lost a European Court case, and was found to be in breach of the Convention on Human Rights, over the conditions under which detainees are being held.
Goffe has collected Baftas for children's animation Lost and Found (2009) and short animation Jojo In The Stars (2003).
Michael Mancienne, who was returning from suspension having been sent off in the championship opener against Finland, lost his man and Boateng's neat through ball found Castro who coolly slotted home through the legs of Scott Loach from 12 yards.
Long believed lost, the movie has now been partly reconstructed from footage found in 1985, and is wrapped in a documentary that explains its unlikely beginnings and untimely end.
The Financial Times today that musician David Gray set up his Dublin stop in his Lost and Found tour, his manager arranged a deal to offer a live stream on Facebook.
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Found in flea markets and estate sales, the paintings all imitate a lost 1885 original, conforming in profile pose and bright red veil but differing in myriad details.
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Stoke lost keeper Thomas Sorensen with a finger injury in the warm-up, and deputy Simonsen soon found himself picking the ball out of the net.
Sorrentino said he found himself thinking about eateries in the New Jersey area that lost electricity during Irene and now must be feeling a sense of deja vu.
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On Sunday, like most other days, volunteers and officials used loudspeakers to give details of children and elderly who were "found" on the river banks, having lost their families in the crowd.