On this issue, another tale from India, told at the WEF main conference in January, is worth recalling.
But in the meantime he has to find a line that holds, perhaps in his main conference speech on October 10th.
Wales manager John Toshack admitted in his pre-match press conference that the main reason the game against Scotland was being played was to try out the new 26, 500 capacity Cardiff City Stadium.
The main lobby of the conference centre in Durban, South Africa, saw a long demonstration on the final afternoon, with campaigners demanding progress.
The main conference is due to open in Londonderry on Monday, where delegates will be addressed by Phil Wood, a key adviser to the Council of Europe's Intercultural Cities programme.
But prospects for launching talks at an international conference in Geneva began fading after the main Western-backed opposition group said it wouldn't attend as long as Hezbollah fights in Syria and the situation in Qusair remains dire.
The main outcomes of the final WSIS conference in Tunis have been outlined in a set of 13 thematic action lines.
UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
Media accountability in the era of digital technologies is the main topic of the conference's first session, with the participation notably of Dunja Mijatovic, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media and Nikos Konstandaras, Managing Editor of the newspaper Kathimerini (Greece).
The main briefing for the three senators took place in a conference room at the U.S. Embassy complex.
The Conference Board said its main index fell to 38.0 in October, its lowest since the survey started running 40 years ago and way down compared with September's 61.4.
But on his second afternoon, in a set piece speech to young Israelis in Jerusalem's main conference centre, he laid out where he believed both Israel and the Palestinians should be going.
The Conservatives are the last of the three main UK parties to hold their annual conference, running from Monday to Thursday in Manchester.
In preparation of the main topics of MINEPS V, three informal working groups have been established for the three Conference topics, in order to ensure the consideration of state of the art research and the involvement of competent experts.
On the main stage of global affairs this week we have the much touted UN climate change conference in Copenhagen.
In fact, in the upcoming Enterprise 2.0 conference to be held in Santa Clara in November, HR collaboration strategies is one of the main tracks.
FORBES: Are Collaborative Technologies On Your HR Department's Agenda?