• The Supreme Court is due to rule soon on whether it is constitutional to establish quotas at Brazil's universities for different ethnic groups, in a decision that pits the melting-pot view of Brazilian history against the quilombola view.

    ECONOMIST: A dispute over land becomes an argument about race

  • The World's Newsroom is a melting pot for the best journalism in the world, using five custom-built studios with new sets and fresh creative graphics and cutting-edge cameras with virtual reality and 3D capabilities to create news that's immersive, dynamic, and more engaging than ever.

    BBC: The World's Newsroom: An introduction

  • Yet before it disbanded in 1971, the quartet recorded one of the most effortless-sounding groove records of all time, Melting Pot.

    NPR: Masters of the Groove Get Loose and Propulsive

  • His open-mindedness put him at ease in America's melting pot, and at odds with the rhetoric about values that pervades American politics.

    ECONOMIST: The Versace controversy

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