Unfortunately, it does both, particularly in the modern world of sport, and indeed sports rights.
In the modern world, corporations are the institutions that countries use to capture wealth.
Liberating the inner coach, it seems, may still be possible in the modern world.
FORBES: Executive coaching - another set of clothes for the Emperor?
So does Plumes give readers a heightened appreciation of Jews' place in the modern world?
He would show that religious faith and reason could co-exist in the modern world.
In the modern world, nation-states are too puny to handle many of these challenges alone.
ECONOMIST: Arguments over majority voting in the European Union
Many are provincial migrants, uprooted from tradition with no place in the modern world.
He is an American Carmelite priest, Reginald Foster, Latin's loudest advocate in the modern world.
Muslims themselves disagree over how, if at all, these penalties should be practised in the modern world.
Diseases once thought to be conquered in the modern world are reappearing in Russia, including cholera and diphtheria.
For now, only one thing seems clear: in the modern world, this tiny, peaceful kingdom now has enemies.
In the modern world, new information systems are at the heart of all management processes and organizational activities.
In the modern world we want to give answers, we are question killers.
But in the modern world of business, it has become clear that there is gold in them thar logs.
FORBES: Splunk's Godfrey Sullivan on Overcoming Barriers to Operational Intelligence
The question many in the modern world might ask, however, is: Do these two things go hand in hand?
FORBES: Two Great Historians On Alexander the Great, Part One
But they have not just survived in the modern world: they are flourishing.
Venture capital is as close to God as anything in the modern world.
FORBES: The Social Climber's Handbook: The Murderous State of Womanhood
In the modern world, however, self-indulgence and feudal flim-flam corrode both the company's external image and its internal ethics.
To be specific it is excess reserve accounts at the Federal Reserve, which in the modern world are actually electronic.
Both of these books are works of history, and neither draws explicit parallels with court politics in the modern world.
That task will be made more difficult by the greater mobility of corporations (and high-earning individuals) in the modern world.
ECONOMIST: Governments will need to find new ways of raising tax
In the modern world, some hope to use green rust to remove toxic metals and radioactive elements from the environment.
The launch of the UNESCO Chair took place at the 7th National Interfaith Forum, "Keeping Faith in the Modern World" in Christchurch.
UNESCO: Chair in Inter-religious Understanding and Relations for Victoria University - UNESCO
Moreover, while infectious-disease scares may be a permanent fixture in the modern world, they have not been kind to drug companies.
This argument can be paired with the idea that, in the modern world, the nation state is peculiarly wrong-sized for government.
In the modern world, each successive generation is disproportionately filled with the children of people who wanted as many children as possible.
FORBES: Lemin Wu, Economic Growth and Why Humanity Can't Have Nice Things
All it takes is picking up a history book to see the huge difference that vaccination has made in the modern world.
FORBES: Over 11,000 Californian Kindergartners Missed Vaccinations Last Year
Mormonism makes many other claims that seem ambitious in the modern world.
Not everyone sees the point of made-up money in the modern world.
Other synthetic hormones and endocrine disrupters common in the modern world seem to have a similar impact, and not just in the womb.